I have not been blogging and for once it is not just because of my ape's incompetence and general laziness! No, we were very, very busy with...a guest! Who was it?!??
My GranNE? Nope.
Grammy? Nope.
Onkel Eric? Not for another three weeks.
Bo Obama? The Secret Service will not allow me to comment
Here he is!

Yup! Jughead got released to the SPCA which means he can be adopterated! So my ma ape brought home a strange man for us to meet! Ma ape! He hung out in the crate while we checked him out.

He liked hanging out at our house even in the box.

But the fighting was ferocious!

J/K. This is my brudder Oscar having the time of his life playing with Jughead.

Even Ethel liked him.

Jughead is learning all about the world, first and foremost that he's not going to get in trouble for everything and that not all humans are bad. One of the things he learned about was BEEF HEARTS! He didn't even know how to eat them and my ma ape had to cut them up and feed them to him by hand!

But he didn't need to learn to play with Oscar Bean Super Teen.

Super Teen Twin Power Activate!

Ahhhh. Besties at the drinking hole!

And back to rassling!

As you can see the Jug Head spent a lot of time in the Oscar Mouth.

You will notice I am not in these pictures. That is because I did not like the Jughead and could not get close without getting out my teeth. Tooth. Whatever. He was happy enough to stay away from me but I was not happy and my ma ape decided it was best for my ticker if he not live at our house. There are many leaky eyes because he's a champ of a dog, who has been at the SPCA since August when he came in emaciated and very, very sick. He will be at the
SPCA and we hope that he finds a very special home.
My ma ape is crying that he cannot come live with us but she would be even more sad if I got sick. When I don't sleep well, my ape does not sleep well.

Good bye Jughead! (P.S. I told OBST he can come visit you on Friday. But I get your crate. And it might be best for you that you aren't living here forever because
Sophie &
Joe had already re-named you Sophie Sue Stains)
Labels: adoption, dogs rule, ethel, oscar, pit bulls, play, rescue, sad, spca, Wally