We're back, baby!
Ever since she got her dumb iBone, our ape has been too busy taking duckface photos of herself and watching YouTube parodies of Call Me Maybe to update out blog. Plus, it is easier to just post photos of us on our Tumblr and instagram (as the dogpocalypse, fyi!) We are determined to get back in the game, especially with Super Skilz Sunday, a joint venture with Moose, Ruger Blue & others. She has promised to teach one of something new as well as update more about our regular doings. We thought we would begin with a reintroduction to US including a catalog of our mad skillz:

Name: Ethel Jean
Age: 8-9ish
Member of the Dogpocalypse since: 2005
Nicknames: fetching queen, skinny mini, sissy, that lady
Favorites: tennis balls, meditation, me time, meats, quiet time in my crate, walks
Tricks: sit, stay, recall, high five; did basic obedience classes

Name: Oscar Bean
Age: 5
Member of the Dogpocalypse since: 2008
Nicknames: Bean Man, string bean, super teen, shaggy dog, dire wolf
Favorites: foodables, my box, granNE, shark face, walks, more granNE
Tricks: sit, stay, down, high five, usual recall, up (hug); flunked out of obedience class (too reactive)

Name: Otis T Potus
Age: Unknown (10ish?)
Member since:
Nicknames: The Potus, Potemaster 5000, Otie, stripey boo
Favorites: anything edible (something not) especially fruits & veg, wallymelon, dancing, naps, snoring, meeting new people & dogs, hostas, the vet
Tricks: sit, moderately reliable recall (has bad joints, can't do anything physically taxing)

Name: Edgrr Bastatdo Poopacabra
Nicknames: Ed, Ginger Snap, Napoleon, StopItEdgrr, little man, stinky Bo binky, Honey Badger
Age: 3ish
Member since: 2010
Favorites: humping, shark face, bossiness, all foods, ice cream, zoomies, meeting new dogs
Tricks: sit, stay, recall