Snow babies
Too keep your mind off my sissy's dirty, stinky, smelly, slimy pus butt I thought I would show you some pictures of us in the snow. The clean white snow, before I made it yellow.
I eat gallons of snow. It keeps me young.

Sissy likes to catch snowballs.

But she gets confused about where they go after she gets them in her mouth. Yesterday the new vet asked if sissy was smart. She's lucky I wasn't there to answer. NO WAY JOSE!

She also likes to run SO FAST. Her legs are so weird!

I like to catch snowballs. And eat them.

The backsplatter really enhances the handsome, I think.

Looks lke you're having a blast in the snow. Sorry to hear about Ethel's botty problems.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
You both look like you are having a great time in the snow. How much to you usually get? Moco is at home sleeping right now.
~Sigh~ We had snow for about 6 hours yesterday...then it started to rain & it all melted. Good news's supposed to be 9 degrees this weekend!!
how much snow did you get Wally? Looks really cold if you ask me!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I could come lick that snow off your face, if you like. But then I think I might end up jumping for snowballs with Ethel. I think her and I might actually have something in common. Except for that gangly thing. She really does have freakishly long legs.
Woohoo! What does it taste like?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
wally...muzzer says thank you for sharing the secret to staying young. She is on her way to Flagstaff to eat some snow.
Snow rocks, we never get it anymore. Woe is us. I'd like to wrestle you in the snow then make it melt underneath us...
We are soooooooooooo jealous that you got snow and we didn't! So that's the secret to youth! Thanks, Wally!
Love ya lots,
Man all we got is slush!! Send Ethel our healing vibes..her poor tushy.....Man does that kid have legs or what!!!Love A+A(arch is waving from his crate while watching HBO)
Mmm, fresh snow! Mom won't let me touch the yellow stuff. It looks like F-U-N over there on the east coast!
Oh Wally! That snow backsplatter SO enhances the HANDSOME! White is definately a great accent color for you...
HI ETHEL! Hope your broken bum is getting better!
Love & Licks,
So how is little ms. glandable? I had no idea anything could make you more handsome!
Sorry you had such a small snowfall! Here's hoping you get two feet of snow! then you'll be really young!
Woober Boy!
You and Ethel look like you're in heaven catching snowballs! Tell Ethel to make good use of that snow and sink her pussbutt right down in it. Bet she'll feel better.
You, my woober friend, could never enhance your handsomeness! You ALWAYS have it all going on!
Goober love & smooches,
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