Your Cheatin' Heart
So my ma ape has been neglecting me. But now it has gotten worse. Do you remember two weeks ago when Elliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, had to have that totally embarrassing press conference where he had to get up and admit he'd been visiting prostitutes. Well, it' time for my ma ape to FESS UP because I know she has been CHEATING ON ME. I found dog hairs on her collar. Smelled belly rubs on her hand. Could see dried smooches on her cheeks.
First, let me remind you what she has at home. Cute:


And then I found this on her camera:

Look at that attention hound! I could do that for her at home!

He thinks he's special cuz he has a big head.

And a grotesquely large tongue.

That hangdog face. Pa-thetic.

And look at this spazzy girl.

Oh, and I suppose this guy thinks he's cute. What-ever! Everyone knows I have the corner on the big headed black dog market.

Turns out my ma ape went to the SPCA with Narra's ape to walk the dogs and take pictures. Guess who had to stay home. Me and sissy spent all day keeping interlopers away by shouting at them. And this is the thanks we get.
I say pee in her is inexcusable!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
my mom says your ma ape needs to get that boxer and send him to us.
What is UP with the ma ape, man? Are you giving her enough lovin' or is she simply "playing the field?" Any way you slice it, while it's nice for the dogs at the SPCA, it's killing her Wally Boy.
Have a talk with her before it REALLY gets out of control and she brings another one home (unless you WANT another sib).
Goober love & sympathetic smooches,
Humans can be so inconsiderate!
Geez Wally Tamale...what's up with your ma-ape? The least she can do is trick you both out with kongs filled with peanut butter before she leaves to commit doggie adultery...but at least she's being nice to the pups over at the gotta give her credit for that..
I think you should start waking her up at night again so she can sleep on the floor with you..just to remind her you need her 'round the clock!
love & licks,
ps..if that doens't & ETHEL can come live in sunny with me...
Wally my pal...this is serious stuff. Hoomans should be faithful, or at the very least, she owes you an apology and explanation. We know she is trying to do good for the spca doggies, but she is negelecting you - seriously and Ethel too!
Ruby's idea bears consideration, or you could go out two or three times a night like Teka does.
keep us posted, If you need help, Teka will be glad to come.
Hi, Wally!
I think your have to forgive your Ma Ape this time. Its not that she was cheating on you. She was there for a good cause.
We all know she has the best at your house!
Kisses and hugs
Humans. Hmmmph. Just when you think you finally have them trained, they up and go all cheaty pants on you.
sad, head shaking wags from the whippets
My mom does the EXACT SAME THING!
OMD does it ever make me mad! You know what's even worse - when she donates toys to the SPCA!! Toys that I absolutely would have LOVED to destroy.!!
Hey, Wally Tamale! We should consider ourselves lucky for now--at least they're not bringing any of those homeless dogs HOME! We don't know about you and Ethel, but we don't have any more room!!!
We see lots of cute faces there, Wally! Maybe you'll get a new brother or sister??!!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh the horror! Add she even took photos to tease you with. Bad human.
Oh, my! Too bad all those dogs are homeless.
You definitely need to have some serious talk to her...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
are you going to be like patsy cline and stand by your hu-man or like Michael Jackson and tell her to BEAT IT!
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