A Theory of Justice

My ape and Gus's ape spend a lot of time reading and writing about ethics which is quite silly because, as the news has been reporting, dogs have fairness entirely figured out.
Scientists in Austria report in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that a dog may stop obeying a command if it sees that another dog is getting a better deal.
In this way dogs may be showing a sensitivity that is similar to, although perhaps more primitive than, that shown by chimpanzees and some monkeys. Until now those primates were the only nonhumans to show what is called “inequity aversion” in the absence of a reward.
Fairness? Sorted. I can haz tenure now?

Labels: academics, dogosophy, dogs rule, philosophy
When will the apes learn
THAT we try to teach them all they need to know?
Walleye!!! You re the very embodiment of tenure!!!
wags from the whippets
Wally, Not only should you have tenure, I think you are needed in Chicago, IL to take over as governor.
Tenure granted...
Now one to more important stuff...like if you are gonna continue this experiment at your tenure dinner celebration & share your prime rib with Ethel & Oscar BS Teen...that's what I'm waiting for.
love & licks,
Thank Dog Tanner is too dense to figure out that I do NOT perform tricks while he is sitting, doing down, shaking, etc. I just look hungry, that is my trick.
Sharing is not related to "fairness" or "justice." Sharing is a hooman concept, dogs only share as payment for a just debt or obligation, or, but less often, in anticipation of a favor which would result in a just debt or obligation.
In contrast, hoomans are forced to share through guilt or perceived obligation, which is discrete from a just debt.
Now, if only our apes could get a start on publishing this one, we'd be in knuckle bones for ever.
Of course, you can have tenure now, Wally! Sometimes we quit doing simple commands just as a test! Either that or it's because we are TERRIERS! We just keep on testing the hoomans!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
All humans need to do is spend more time with dogs.
Simba x
Ethics-sorely lacking now a days. We could have told them years ago that dogs have it all under control. For sure we hae more commn sense.
Hey Wally!
Tenure rocks, you totally deserve it, man.
So come check my blog out sometime. I'm just getting started, so I'll have more pics and posts up, soon :)
Wally - you are the most perfect example of Dog Wisdom.
I bow to your superior and yet magical knowledge!
Do you know any pup or hooman who needs loose poopsicals, I can aim my problem poops to all and sundry, just give me an address and the person or pooch will receive my "ahem" admiration or whatever!
Many licks to my wise friend,
Marvin of the Loose Poops Syndrome
Humans could learn a lot from us. I hope your ticker is doing better.
Maybe I should stop doing tricks because of all the unfairness in my house!
Tenure is boring. Think of the excitement of not knowing where you'll work next year. You wouldn't want to miss the chance of being hired by the University of Central Mississippi, would you?
Hi Wally, I finally decided to amble to your dog blog! My Momma was interested in this story because she always makes me work for my treats but sometimes there are other dogs around who don't have to work.
She also always wants new people to make me work for a treat, doesn't she see that if I don't scare them, that's working??
going to snuffle around here a bit,
Hi, I came across your site and thought it would be great for one of our clients. If interested in an advertising venture please feel free to contact me via email..
Hey Wally...I miss you...is your ticker doing OK? I'm getting worried...
Love & Licks,
& Healing Ticker Vibrations...
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