We are Many
So this week I have been deluged (ok, I've gotten two) with reports of corgadors taking over the world (or in two different locations).
From Sophie, currently visiting Pawston, is THIS lovely lady who they call a bassador but--as you can see--she looks an awful lot like me. Ie, she is BEAUTIFUL!

And this hottie is in Mini-apples-us. I don't think the state of Mini-soda is sideways but I couldn't turn the picture upright. My REAL WORLD friend KT saw this dog (actually a golden/corgi mix) and had to have a friend snap a cell phone photo because that is the lure of the corgador!

Hey! That dude in Minnie-apples is truly FAMEROUS because I know him! He and I sniffed butts at Paws on Grand last weekend and sometimes I have also seen him out at the lake. He has a really big head and he is super duper handsome. Mom digs his short legs - she feels akin to him.
well they aren't really corgadors but they are all cute
Yes Wally, you corgadors have the kavorka - the lure of the animal!
Miss Kitty
Walleroni Smoocheroni! Yes, you are many, and you are their leader. You should use this opportunity to build some sort of empire or something.
No one comes close to you, Walleye. They shouldn't even try.
wags from the whippets
I say thewe can nevew be enough of you cowgadows..you'we all pawfect..is she you new giwl???she suwe is pwetty
smoochie kisses
YAY! Short stubbies forever!!!
M & I
There are doggies who have long legs, while some of us are short
There are lots of dogs who look a bit like others of their sort
There are doggies who are dumber, and those of us who're smart
As Canines we are strong
Solidarity for doggies
Solidarity for doggies
Solidarity for doggies
Our four legs make us strong.
I can only agree with Gussie.
Simba x
I can't believe that Suki Sumo knows that dog!
Those dogs are no way close to you in the looks department. I bet is feels good to not be the only one a breed anymore.
Mummy has something she wants to send you via email. Do you have an email address she can send to? Even though I am deeply hurt that your mother thinks I would eat out of her picnic basket, our Mum says we must be nice and rise above these little jabs. Send your email to us at admin@senorpuppypants.com and include treats if at all possible.
Thank you, Dozer
Wally, man, its true, there is actually a she-wally right here in master chew sits. She is very camera shy so that is the only picture of her.
I know you don't have your bits, but maybe your could clone yerself or something with her.
P.S. Please call animal cops. I am starving to death and bloggie deprived.
We don't think they look much like you at all. You're way more handsome, in a petite sort of way.
We like short legs!! :) Also, Minnie soda is kinda sideways at times
Hi Wally!!
They are so cute (though not as cute as you!...).
Winnie :)
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