Raising Cain
I haven't been able to keep up with my blogging responsibilities including visiting all my friends. These are busy times with my bud Joe out of town and me watching out for Sophie and then my ma ape has really been neglecting me. It has also been a stressful time with my younger sibs, especially my adolescent angst ridden brudder Oscar Bean, Super Teen. And thus I give you the saga of youngins at my house.

Can't you just see the trouble in his eyes? The Super Teen, somehow covered in his own slobber:

And my sissy, while more mature, has been no walk in the park.

She's had problems with the ole gut, causing explosions from both ends.

The wind up:

And here's Oscar Bean, Super Teen, with his Teen Wonder friend Tuchuck and a horse/Great Dane.

Lemme tell you about Tuhuck the Teen Terror!

Yes, Chuck is a dude. And totally temptressy!
So you see why I've been such a busy bee. I am hoping this weekend's lousy weather will mean more time indoors abloggin'.
Labels: dog par, ethel, friends, oscar, play, tuchuck, Wally
Looks like you had some vanilla pudding.
man, you guys sure keep your ma ape busy! never a dull moment at your house I'm sure! lol.
those ol' books were great! :)
What does Lola mean "old books" Please tell her I recognize several from health class in high school
Wally! Mom says she loves all those book covers, but I don't get it. I do believe I saw a bit of myself in that last temptress. Perhaps Tuchuck and I need to do some hangin' out.
P.S. Looks like Joe is back. If he asks, all was cool ... ya know. ;-)
Those other two must drive you to your wits end.
Hi, Wally!
Sounds like you all have been doing interesting things!
I hope you have a nice and peaceful weekend
Kisses and hugs
Ha! We don't know that Chuckie is that temptressy, but he certainly didn't learn anything from those kinds of books. Yup, that's him, taking one for the team! Go, O-Man!
The last picture is too steamy!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Wally, it looks like you ate a tennis ball and barfed it up! Poor guy! I don't blame you for hurling though...it sounds like you are running a house for troubled youths.
Yeech! Mum said those pictures were priceless. They looked like barf to me BOL! Mum said to tell your Mum that she loves your entry.
Dozer, Dots and Cooper
I'm surprised your ape is old enough to have those books. Our dad says his parents might not have been old enough to have those books.
BOL! Sorry to hear the sissy is having tummy issues... it's a good thing that wasn't her chunder covering Oscar Bean... uck.
Thanks for the crime-scene recreation, it was quite realistic, BOL!
M & I
wow wally you are one busy dog...it must be tough for you to hold things down in the old fort as well as your responsibility of looking after sophie..you are one busy short dude...i hope you have a much better week...maybe your mom will take you for a manssauge...you deserve it
Leftovers are good sometimes.
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