Wally week!
We need to have a talk.

So, first, some items of business. A couple of weeks ago me n' my sibs competed in MANGOMINSTER, the GREATEST DOG SHOW ON EARTH and it was too much fun! And while the peppy sheppys were an embarrassment to our family, I was lucky enough to win the People's Choice Herding group!

And last week in the mail I got my booty for winning! Look at my medal! I am overwhelmed with emotion:

But not so overwhelmed that I cannot eat the deeeeeeeeeeelicious mumpkin snacks Mango sent with the medal. THANKS MANGO MAN! I will be showing you more of my medal because it looks so good I'm gonna wear it all the time.

And now this award-winning dog has some business to do. I know the economy is bad and my ma ape wants a house of her own so I've decided it is time for me to buckle down and get a job.
So I've been reading the classifieds looking for the right job.

I think I've found it!

Meats! My speciality (unless there are Wallymelon Herders--do you think?) I will need to do some practice before my interview.

I will soooo look furward to Wally Week!
Khongrats on your medal!
Woo look sooooo - well, pawesome and herdly!
It is hard sharing a blog. I am lucky cause Muzzer likes me best. (better) Your muzzer(ma ape) is into that fairness thing. You gotta be strong.
That medal looks stoopendous on you!
Congwatulations again on the big win..I'm vewy happy that you have taken back youw blog..even if it's just fow the week(twy to do it mowe often)
I think you awe highly qualified fow that job..I'll cwoss my apaws that you get it
smoochie kisses
It is ABOUT TIME. They are not just taking over your blog, our neighbor was spotted walking a peppy sheppy the other day. What is up with that??
Wally-meister, it is about time you laid down the law! Those Sheppy's have no respect for their elders, I should know I have absolutely no respect for anyone and it rocks! BOL!
Love, Dozer
I am so glad to finally see you. Those sheppies are cute and all, but they don't hold a candle to you. My mom would like to mention the cuteness of your ape's mary janes, but I am too focused on your cuteness to notice.
Congratulations Wally!
Wally week sounds pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
A medal, wow that is so cool. Ah the good old days when I had my own blog.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Yep, we need more Wally, all the time!!!
Love that medal -- we need something akin to the Kennedy Center honors to showcase your handsomeness!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
wally that is what i am talking about...i was wondering abotu the meat cutting job for you..maybe you could use your gums and just make some hamburger meat....that should work awesome....anyhow i am glad you are thinking of going to work....you could always be a professional "escort"dog...
We know that you can do anything that you set your heart and mine to. You will be in a new home in no time. We hear there are lots of good buys out there.
Your MangoMinster medal looks wonderful on you, Wally! Congratulations once again!
We think you'd make a great meat cutter! We hope you get the job!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am glad you are going back to the Wally blog. Those dorky labrathings or whatever you have living with you have gotten a bit too much attention if you ask me.
I actually learn stuff from you.
You look wicked pissa with your medal (that's Boston speak). Careful with that job stuff, though, they will want you to show up every day.
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