I must apologize for my disheveled appearance.

And my absence from the dog-o-sphere. I have been down.

And out.

With a spot of Montezuma's revenge. Or more like three or four dozen spots, some in our yard, some in the neighbor's yard, one in the basement...you catch my drift (and may even smell it).
I am accepting applications for nurse.

I am also working on blog security. And checking the locks. I don't want any squatters moving in. To let you know how ungrateful those little jerks are. I wanted to show you this:

This is the
Gooberstan Offical Fun Fest Birthday Gift Extravaganza. Stan, that ever generous dude, suggested that instead of getting HIM a toy you get a toy for a dog in need. Well, the StanMan is worthy not just of ONE gift but of a whole darn bag. So we put together a bag o' toys and took them to the SPCA. They thank you, Stan!
Labels: Dr. Wally, GooberStan, gross, sick, toys, Wally
Oh Wally! As my sissie would say...T.M.I.! Glad you are up and about. Have a great remainder of the holiday!
Hope your feeling better. Psst Grammie is a nurse. Hard to believe huh? hahaha
Eat more cheese. That is good for those runnies. You look like a tipped over cow in Nebraska. We are feeling for you. At least you are not pooping out ear plugs like Dawson.
We had the same thing... all nine of us. You'd think the servant being a nurse and the manservant being an emdee they could do something. But they're both re-tarred, so they're useless. Only good for cleanup. At least she gave us chicken broth. Lobby for chicken broth.
Hope you're felling better real soon.
wags from the whippets
Oh you poor thing, the splarts are no fun, let alone the humans don't enjoy asstastic ass-splosions. Moxie has this problem on occasion too, it's no fun at all, she definitely feels your pain. Is your mum withholding food too? Our mum does that if we start having asstastrophies... no food is just inhumane, seriously!
We would be happy to be your nurses, we're particularly good at sponge baths...
BTW- we posted about our Wallymelon... and we need a refill on our Mai tais too, handsome cabana boy ;o)
Oh my, poor you. Hope you'll get better soon. Maybe do more roaching. That will help I think...
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
ooof having a bad case of the screamers is never any fun dude. good job on donating the toys!!
Hope you are ok now. Good roaching there.
Simba xx
Good to take some nice gifts to dogs without a blog or a furever home.
We've all been there.
So sorry about your bad tum.
Hopefully things have slowed down some.
Paris said she will nurse you back to health...
poor wally.
pasta, lots of pasta.
cottage cheese too. Don't let your ma ape give you soy cheese.
get well soon.
Ahh, Gorgeous Hunk of Wallymeat!!
I'll take you even with the runs! You will always be my unattainable dreamdog. (*sigh*) So, sue me for dreaming...
On behalf of my hairy brother, Stanley, I am telling you how proud we are that you were willing and able to allow so many toys to go to needy pups. I know it hurts to say good-bye, but we've both been there, you and I. I LOVE your ma ape and anyone who wants to help homeless dogs!
Goobery kissies to you, Ethel & THE MA APE,
Pee Ess
Eat some punkin, okay? IT will help the rumbling in your bowels!
Poor dude - makes me want to sing the diarrhea song.
Hi Wally!
You poor pup! That's such a horrible feeling! I hope you are feeling better, soon!!
Winnie :-)
Eat some pumpkin dude...works for me everytime.
Mom does that toy thing twice a year. She gathers up a bunch of OUR toys, washes them & takes em to the Humane society. Our Mom's are pretty nice.
Wally - Sorry to hear you have the squirties. Hope things firm up for you soon.
When I get the hersheys I get imodium stuffed down my throat. Glad to hear you conqueered that Aztec!
Bussie Kissies
Maybe the vet dislodged something when he stuck that thermometer in. I would look into a lawsuit. (The vet would HAVE to settle--with that face, how could a jury not give you anything you asked for?)
Wally holy crap come read my blog you won't believe who I met at the vets today!
Oh Wally! My comment from yesterday or the day before just mysteriously disappeared! Oh well..I hope you are feeling better & that you don't have the squirty run runs on your bum bum any more...
Please tell your ma ape to take EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA special care of my special Wally Tamale...
Love & Licks,
ps...HI ETHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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