We had nasty storms. My ma ape had to sleep on the floor with me she was so scared. And I got damp.

And then our power was out all day so I called FEMA to alert them to the IMPENDING DISASTER in our meatable eatable freezing box. They put me on hold. But just as I was about to have to eat all the contents of the freezing box the power came back on. Whew. I'm exhausted from this excitement.

I'd be exhausted too, sheesh!!!
Oh my god Wally, could you be any cuter than you are with pokey-uppy hair? I just fell in love with you all over again.
Whew..Wally, if it ever happens that you need to consume the meatables, you can call E.Rabbit. She used to be a vegematarian, but now she is just unmarried.
Oh no scawie storms...I'm sure you did a good job protecting your Ma Ape!!!
Lots of licks, Ruby
Hmmm... I'm thinking you might need to forgive your ma ape for her forrays into the realm of considering-other-dogs. She seems like a pretty wimpy lady, since she needs you to sleep next to her and comfort her during storms. She might break down all together if you *really* threaten to move to Granny's.
We are sending you this BEEYOOTEEFUL weather that was behind the nasty s-t-o-r-ms. it's perfect now. should get to you in a day or two at the most.
wags from the whippets
Oh, I love damp grass! It's more fun.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
0You are better than the postal service, Wally--neither rain nor snow nor blackout keeps you from blogging.
Storms are awful--but as you noticed, blackouts have some very positive side effects. If you can get into the fuse box when your ma isn't looking, you might get all that meat after all.
Glad your power came back on. You can't depend on FEMA to arrive on time. Maybe Super Tanner could fly in.
I figured your Ma Ape was freezing you out so you couldn't blog! We have fires a couple of hours away and all you smell is burning when you go o-u-t. Everything is disastering everywhere!
Bussie Kissies
No storms down here yet but the meatables are running low in the fridge. Glad you made your ma ape feel safe during your storm
Nuthin' wrong with making your Ma sleep on the floor with you. Sometimes getting up on the bed is too much work.
Pee Ess...I'm afraid of storms too. Don't tell Dot.
Storms don't bother me, its firewords I hate.
Simba x
Your mom should consider getting some help for her storm phobia - honestly, how are you supposed to get any sleep with her snoring next to you?
Thanks for taking care of the ma ape. I have a soft spot in my goober heart for her. You're an amazing example of self sacrifice.
I'm with Sophie. You're gorgeous au naturale, but I love it when you style your hair.
Goob love & smooches (always),
Hi, Wally!
Glad you were there to protect your Ma Ape! Ha! (I know you!)
The only problem I have with storms is that they take away the power in my house!
Kisses and hugs
Boy, Wally...that was a close one! Good thing your power came back on before you had to eat all the eatables and meatables! That would have been a disaster...for your Ma ape, not for you!
Poppy & Penny
No terrible storms here. Good of you to sleep on the floor with Ma Ape during the storm. What is up with the power people? Don't they know that the coldeatable box is VERY important and should always have power.
What a n owdeal..although eating all the eatableswouldn't have been so bad, hehehe
Glad you'we OK
smoochi ekisses
You're too cute when you're tired!
I love STORMS!!
luv ya
lola smiles
Wally -
Glad you were able to protect your ma ape from the storms.
Hi Wally!
Oh, wow.... Storms can be very scary!! Your ma ape is so lucky to have a big, strong guy like you around! No wonder the ladies love you!!
Winnie :-)
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