SPCA Saturday
Yeah, I know it's not Saturday but here's some of the dogs that my ma ape played with at the SPCA. If you are in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania or New Jersey ADOPT ONE so that my ma ape does not try to bring them to my house!
OK, I'll start with the little stinky:

Patches is a nice lady who also likes to play and have her butt rubbed:

This one is Diamond who is on my ma ape's belly. He is a firebrand who likes to play chase (he is the chaser) and craves attention.

And you remember Lizzy Tizzy! It looks like we dropped my sissy at the SPCA (and put on some socks!):

But THIS is what I'm worried about. His name is Brody and he was found in an abandoned house but my ma ape calls him BO (for Bo Pelini, Nebraska coach). He is stocky with a big wrinkly head!!!

My ma ape is powerless before his jowls:

He's just a baby--maybe 5-6 months old?--and loves to play and romp but also wants lots of lovin'.

Wally, watch out, you might be gettin another brother or sister. Why does your ma ape have to shop around so much when she has super Wally at home?
Watch out Wally my pal...this one looks like big trouble
All I can say is, thank God we do not live in Maryland, Pennsylvania or New Jersey....
I want them all to play with!!! Wait, I'd have to share my Mom...um maybe not...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Wally!
All those doggies are very cute! I hope all of them find a lovely home soon!
Kisses and hugs
omdog that guy can FLY!! looks like you better move over and make room for a new buddy ;)
They all are sooo sweet looking! Why are there always sooo many Pitbulls that are being up for adoption & why are they always the ones who are being abused & chucked in America? Hmm...I hope they find good homes soon.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Woober Boy!
It's only a matter of time, man. Only a matter of time. (Your ma ape is almost as bad as mine.)
Goober love & smooches,
Sorry man! That last comment was from me, but I was on a buddy's pooter. Now you can see it's me.
Goob love,
Oh Wally...do you really think your ma ape can resist bringing home another mouth to feed? If she can find a pup 1/2 as handsome as you..then she can bring him home..but she'll be hard pressed to find anypup as handsome as you (aka George Clooney..)
HI ETHEL!!!!!!!!! & I just thought of somethin....if ETHEL was a boy..then she'd be GEORGE LOONEY!
Love & Licks,
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
We think you could be in serious trouble, Wally! Look at all of those adorable faces!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bo can fly! I don't know Wally. He's pretty cute. There are some upsides to this potential threat. Just think how cool it would be to have a little .... well, younger .... brother to push around. You would be his mentor and you could pass on your worldly ways and finesse with the women, and a few bros.
Bo looks like he'd be a lot of fun to boss around..."Bo, give me your bully stick", "Bo, give me your bed", "Bo, give me your chickenbackables".
Dropping by to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHEL!!
Did I get the right Ethel?
Oh Bo is super cute my mom says. Thank goodness dad said no more animals are allowed in the house before he comes back. But the bad part is mom has never listened well to dad. Hope you don't get a new brother or sister wally
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