Medical Miracles
Someone call the pope because I'm ready for my sainthood. The vet has diagnosed me with a medical condition called BEING A MIRACLE. But I get ahead of myself. I'd like to tell you about my visit to the VET.
So, first my vet's scale is BROKEN.

That is, um, my sissy's weight and not mine. I swear. I'm not in the picture so you can't prove anything.

Second, they made us wait in a room and look at the posters on the wall:

A little heavy-handed DON'T YOU THINK??? So my sissy gets totes nervous at the vet and she likes to sit on my ma ape:

And this is her nervous face with her funny ears:

She also snuggles with me for safety but we are defenseless before the NEEDLE OF DOOM.

But I was totally polite and the vet said I am always the SWEETEST DOG. And I was polite and left him this pile of fur to remember me by:

So in addition to spending my ma ape's tax refund we got some great news. My heart sounds WONDERFUL. And the vet said that he's never seen a dog with a heart that was as bad off as mine live for more than a year. And I'm TWO YEARS past the time when I was diagnosed with a BIG HEART. Now I just have a murmur. Can you guess what my heart is murmuring?
This is the face of a miracle:

1) the greaterest friends on earth
2) loads of beef heart
3) regular roaching
4) the love of (a) good dog(s) (you know who you are)
OH YEAH! We always knew you was special, but we think you are our first miracle.
Thank you.
Gus and TEka
You and I weigh the same -give or take a few vitabones. Is that scary or what?
What great news about your heart. We love it.
I know that "love of a good dog" was directed at me...Sam will just have to deal. Love ya, man...not that there is anything wrong with that.
Um, I weigh 3 lbs more than your sissy. She is WAY too thin.
Great news on your ticker dude. I knew you were a marvel.
Oh Wally! You are a MIRACLE! I'm so happy your ticker is ticking great & only murmuring & not being all big & angry...
Why does your sissy get all nervous at the vet? Is it cuz she can't YELLLLLLLL???????
OH Wally..I KNOW you meant that love note about me.....everybody else can just GET IN LINE!
Love & Licks,
That is just the best news! You gotta give you ma ape credit, Walleye, she must be doing a really good job!
happy wags from the whippets
We have always known that you are special. There is and will only be one of you. It shows you can't keep a GREAT dog down.
Thank DOG you both survived throughout the vet's procedure! Hehehe...That is really great news Wally. You look very happy!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMD Wally...that is just the bestest news ever!!! your ma ape must be sooooooo happy!!! And I am too!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
St Wally, yer, I like it. Maybe they will name a street after you. Glad to hear you are ok.
Simba x
What awesome news, Wally! We hope your heart keeps ticking forever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What great news. And poor Ethel. She looks sooo very scared.
Saint Wally, I might have to take Randi down, because I just know you are murmuring for me. I'm so thrilled to hear about your miracleness and sainthood. Somewhere in Twin Peaks land, they are naming a school after you.
Saint Wally T. That just rolls off the tongue.
Pooooooor Ethel. Good thing you were there to comfort her in her time of fear and trembling.
Wally T. Corgador, patron saint of bull pizzle. Sounds good. I think you are a miracle for sure. I like to leave lots of furs at the vet too.
Hi, Wally!
those are very good news, Miracle Boy!
Kisses and hugs
Great news! You are a miracle!
Ahhh, Woober Boy!
I've known for months that you were miraculously gooberlicious! Your heart will always be in my heart, which means we're ticking away for each other! All other takers can just kiss my big hairy a$$ and take a number! I know I'm at least one of the dogs you're murmuring about.
Goober love & heartfelt smoocharoonies,
Pee Ess
My girl says I have to apologize to all the other dogs out there for telling them to kiss my netherend!
Wally, man, you are immortal! How cool is that?
I have been so busy writing on the Ethel posts I thought I had better congratulate you on being the absolute dogs n***s. Or do I mean dogs hearts? Anyway. Good one bro.
Hi Wally!
I am just beyond happy to hear your wonderful miraculous news! You truely are a very special pup! Your ma ape is so lucky to be consistantly in the presence of such greatness!!!
Congrats on your and your sissie's great reports!!!
Winnie :-)
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