Alternative Universe Dogblog!
Do you remember US? WILLIE AND OTHOL! Chillin' at the DSPCA!

We are High-Jacking this blog again! I don't know who this Jack fellow is but he must be fun, letting us steal WALLY'S BLOG like this. Haha! And look! I stole his ma ape:

Othol stole Ethel's Tongue!

I even stole Wally's Humpty Dance! The Humpty Dance is a chance to do the HUMP!

Look! Willie and Othol again!

Rear View!

This is Brew, like Beer! He's an older gent who has a lot of lumpies:

More Willie and Othol!

Labels: adoption, blog hijack, dogs rule, othol, spca, willie
HEY New Dudes!
We'll sign adoption papers ASAP for Wally & Ethel! Does Wally ticker come with a guarentee to never stop ticking? I sure hope so! & does Ethel come with a volume control? Just don't know if my peoples will like her YELLING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT...
Have your peoples contact my peoples!
Love & Licks,
I wish someone would get over there and adopt them soon.
Grammie says, "Moco, I wish that I was able to have my senior dogs home. I would take the whole lot of them and more. I would have to work until I was 135 to feed you all, but life could be a whole lot worse." That is what she had to say. We all know that her bubble has never hit center.
We would take the Wally dog in a heartbeat, guarantee or no guarantee. But we cannot take the Ethel dog until someone takes the Teka dog.
Thank you
Gussie and Muzzer
I would take them all. Especially if they wouldn't mind sharing the couch.
ernest the flattening basset
Oh no! More strange looking doggies in your bloggie!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
what good lookin dogs, I hope someone gets them soon so you don't get your blog hijacked all the time.
Um, Wally, you might want to change the password on your blogger account. The security seems to be a bit lax.
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I enjoyed meeting you guys! I'm sending good and positive thoughts your way that you'll soon find your forever homes!
Winnie :-)
Hey dudes! I really like the name Trigger. It's pretty much the best name for a dog ever. So temperament or no temperament, we'll take him! I need a toughy bro.
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