The Corgadorian Grey
As many of you know, some of my friends call me the Corgadorian Grey. That's a play on The Picture of Dorian Grey, the Oscar Wilde book about the guy who retains his youthful good looks by selling his soul and having a portrait that shows his real age. Here are my youthful good looks.

Not showing any age, eh? So what is aging on my behalf? Well, let me put it this way. Here is my ma ape when I adopted her:

And here she is today:

I think this deal is working out very well:

In addition to getting younger you seem to have been transformed from a horse! It´s definitely an upgrade (although I don´t remember anything like that in Wilde).
Wally! Does your Ma ape know about that picture you posted of her? You better hope she doesn't find out! YOU, however, are looking magnificent!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
oh wallleeeeye.
you are so cute.
so is your ma ape.
my ma ape wants to know where she got that cute outfit.
muahahahahahahaha!!! I sure hope your Ma doesn't take away the keys to the blog after that post!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
That's funny!!!! You're brave to do that though. If I posted pictures of my Mom like that, I'd probably go on a no treat diet and all my tennis balls would be permanently lost.
You better start begging for forgiveness BEFORE your your ma ape sees this post, Wally!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Walllleeeee! That was not an intelligent thing to do. We think Maggie and Mitchy are right and you should BEG forgiveness now! If you are lucky, you won't have to lose more than two or three pounds before you are forgiven.
a ha ha ha ha! That's so funny Wally. I hope your ma ape has a sense of humour and will still give you Wally Melon, you handsome young devil!
Corgadores NEVER age! Pffft, well known fact, ya kno.
M & I
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