The naked ape days are numbered!
This is a pho-to of a worried corgador.

Chimps have long been known to stockpile food, but a 30-year-old chimp named Santino is making news because he does far more: he finds stones in his Swedish zoo home, smashes them into throwable size, and then stores them in caches that face the viewing area on the edge of his enclosure. When tourists show up, he lets fly, throwing up to 20 rocks in rapid succession and sometimes hitting visitors standing 30 feet away across a water-filled moat. When no rocks are available for his villainy, Santino hacks chunks of concrete off the artificial boulders in his pen and assaults humans using those.
Be patient, Santino! And while you are learning to make weapons I have been dilligently learning to use tools. So far I have mastered the TiVo:

Labels: animal news, animals, apes, Wally
There are NO ends to your talents!
Teka ate a remote one time, does that count?
The TiVo - mastery of such - is a much more effective weapon than stones.
Walleye RULES!!!!
wags from the whippets
Our own "hairy ape" remembers visiting that ingloriously named "Monkey Jungle" in Miami and being pelted through the cage with chimp poop that the residents had stockpiled.
Perhaps we dogs should be a bit smarter about what we do --or allow to be done -- with our own potential weapons -- I always look curiously when said hairy ape stoops down with her hand in a plastic bag to gather up my stuff and then deposit it in a container.
Good night! The things we learn from you! And we thought we were clever because we can open drawers!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
We understand that TiVo is one of those skills that will be needed for survival of the fittest. How clever of you to be on it already.
omdog we thought that apes liked to throw poo but not Rocks AT the hairless ones! PAWESOME!!
go Santino.....go...and Wally I will happily be ruled by your dictatorship....go Wally Go
My Daddi can't even do awe's inevitable, you will wule the wowld
smoochie kisses
Wally, I know this whole overthrow business is important and stuff, but I can't quite get over that whole body profile shot. Wowzers dude! Look at you!
These are super cute pictures of you, Wally. Maybe your ma ape should become a fashion photographer.
Could you teach us how to do that?
Simba and Jazzi xxx
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