It's finally here! The MONKEY BOX REPORT! My ma ape sometimes calls us the monkey house because sometimes my baby brudder howls like a monkey. And yesterday--our house got FOUR NEW APES. Fortunately not naked apes!
It all began with a big surprise. A box at the door! From Oregon! And that means...BIG FOOT! No, that means

The box was taller than me so I let Oscar Bean open it up.

AND LOOK WHAT WAS INSIDE! AAAAAPES! There is a gorilla, a white gorilla, an orangetang and a chimp/naked ape hybrid (that must be why it is pink and wearing a t-shirt right?)

My brudder thought he could share. He could not.

The apes are WALLY'S DOMINION!

I piled up all the apes in the room and and tested them all out. And when my ma ape tried to use the gorilla for a pilla, I stole it back!

And look what else I found in the box! MARIONBERRIES.

And the note said that there was something in the box for the ma ape. And the ma ape was so excited because she does love her some marionberries, especially on her ice creams.

But she was clearly mistaken. I think this is what Grammie and Moco sent for her:

Thank you Grammie and Moco and Dawson and Foley and Edgar and Clara and Pappy! I'm the luckiest dog in the world. And I can't wait to take more pictures of me and my ape crew by the harsh light of day!
Labels: apes, dead stuffies, grammie, oscar, play, prezzies, Wally, wally loves
YOU GOT MARIONBERRIES. Man mom had grammie bring her a whole bunch of stuff when she came to visit but she forgot to ask for marionberries. You are one lucky dog.
WOW, your monkeys are SO COOL!!!!
And I think it was awful nice for your Grammie to send your ma ape a box!
Brown dog kisses,
Hi, Wally!
Your monkeys are pawesome!
I don't know marionberries but sounds delicious!
Kisses and hugs
Those are some cool,fantastic,wonderful Monkeys!!!! What a nice grammie.
Is that jelly? Now we gotta look up marionberries. Wonder if they are a berry we call by another name??
I have MONKEY ENVY!!!!
Hugs, Sunny
purty cool wally. Thos munkees luk bigger than me!
Hi 5s
Have fun BIG GUY!
Walleeee..tell your ma ape that boxes are very helpful. Grannie is helping her get organized. We think the apes are cool. Hope you enjoy every one of them.
super jealous here! Monkeys are my absolute favourite toys! Jackpot, baby!
We want Grammie to adopt us....please.
Your apes rock.
That's alot of APES to kill!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That Grammie and that Moco are some kind of magic awesome!!!
Cool beyond howls!
wags from the whippets
omdog! you need a barrel! what is more fun than a barrel of monkeys?! what a great present, grammie RULES!
Grammie rocks Wally! Those monkeys are gonna keep you busy for a long time.
Pee S. have you picked which of those monkeys you will wipe your tears on when the Steelers KILL the Eagles tomorrow??????
Woober Walls!
You are not only a ma ape's boy, you are totally GRAMMIE'S BOY! That is one ape who loves the stuffin' outta you, buddy! WHOA! The apes (hairy ones) are free and running the zoo! So many apes... so little drool.
Grammie was so thoughtful to send your ma ape that box too. She's nothing if not thoughtful.
So, how DO marionberries taste? Hmmm?
Goober love & smooches,
Apes galore! You are the luckiest woober in the world.
Holy Moley! You hit the jackpot on apes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Wally! Have I ever told you that your smile is the brightest I've EVER SEEN IT when you have a box of APES at your white paw paws? What a lucky handsome man guy you are....
Are you gonna share the monkeys? You don't have to, you know!
love & licks,
ps...aren't Grammies WONDERFUL!!!
Oh Wally! Have I ever told you that your smile is the brightest I've EVER SEEN IT when you have a box of APES at your white paw paws? What a lucky handsome man guy you are....
Are you gonna share the monkeys? You don't have to, you know!
love & licks,
ps...aren't Grammies WONDERFUL!!!
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