Time for another installment of My Ma Ape is a Hoochie Mama. She has been giving away her affection for free again down at the
shelter. Here are some of the dogs she met:
Lola, Lo-Lo-Lo-La-Lola. She is a Shi Tzu in need of a bath and a good home.

Here is the first of a series of white pit mixes at the shelter. They were ALL sweet and ALL cute! Unfortunately, the ma ape doesn't remember this dude's name in spite of his memorable bat ears.

This is STEWIE! He can fly. My ma ape learned about the springs in the feet when he suddenly lept up and and gave her a kiss on the face while she was standing up. Though my ma ape is vertically challenged so it is not that impressive.

Stewie can do some awesome faces, though.

This is shooter, a lab/chow? mix. He was a pretty nice dude who knew how to sit for snacks. What else do you need to know?

Brody is a chow mix with a BIG HEAD. And who doesn't need a dog with a big head?

Look at Emma! She can FLY! She is Emma Peel, British Superspy.

And who does this chin belong to?

REX! He's a boxer mix? And has pink spots on his nose. The cute!

And don't forget Big Red! He cheered on the Cornhuskers who whooped up on New Mexico State.

I know my friends at the
Brat Pack are worried about some of the dogs in the Dallas/Ft Worth area because they are making room for hurricane dogs. We are thinking of all the homeless dogs and people left after Bad Ike (not
Good Ike). Take care guys.
Labels: adoption, dogs rule, rescue, shelter, spca
Brody would so fit in with Flash and his big head. Mom loves him.
Bullies, Bullies, Bullies...when will people learn!?!? Uuugh. They're all adorable and we hope they find homes. We're not too worried about Big Red cause we think she's going to come live with you one day.
PS Check out our blog today!
Mommy wishes she could adopt one or all of those sweet doggies!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I think all those dogs are sooo cool but my Mommy thinks Rex is the cuterest! I think I'M the cuterest!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
P/S: Check out the new post in our blog. Chloe is our HERO!
Wally, your ma ape does certainly"get around" at that spca,doesn't she! I guess it' ok sin
ce they don't have any ma apes. Nice of you to share. I agree with Sam of the brat pack. I think Big Red will come to your houseone day!!
Dear Wally Tamale -
I sure hope your Hoochie Mamma ..um..I mean your MA APE is giving you the affection you deserve after she struts her stuff for all those pups to see...
I'm sending my vibes to all those affected by bad Ike too..
love & licks,
ps..HI ETHELLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!
pss..hola Oscar!
joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!
OMDOG your Mom is NOT a cheaterest! I know about it, trust me!! SHe is just NICE!
Wow, Big Red is still there. It must be cuz he`s meant to be part of your pack, like everydoggy`s been saying!
Brown dog kisses,
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