Monday, August 20, 2007

Singin' in the Rain

It has been raining forever, I think. So I'm passing the time my practicing some of my best tunes.

"Wallyloo" by ABBA.

"It's Raining Dogs!"

"Ain't nothin' but a Wally dog....howlin' all the time!"

"Wally Got Back"

Will serenade for snacks.

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Blogger Kerrio said...

I like that third pic - the pursed lips - so kissable!


6:07 AM  
Blogger Suki & Joey said...

You've had lots of rain, Wally? Better get used to it - sounds like your Ma Ape wants to move to WA or OR and I hear that's pretty much all it does in the winter...and the spring, too ;)

Puggy kisses

7:32 AM  
Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

Will I be able to download any of these on iTunes??? I could add them to my playlist.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

8:10 AM  
Blogger Stanley said...


What about "Take a Chance on Walls" or "Wally Queen?" I'll take the complete album, please.

You're very fetching when you sing.

Goober love,

8:43 AM  
Blogger Randi said...

Oh, Wally - so handsome & you sing too? Next you are going to tell us you cook dinner & that would be such a complete package in such a stunning man-doggie...& I bet you like to cuddle! Oh - be still my heart!
Love & Licks,

10:18 AM  
Blogger Frasier said...

You sing well,Wally.
I bet you sing better with a few dogtinis !!Judging by that vieo of you and another doggie hula dancing!!

11:57 AM  
Blogger Tadpole said...

How lovely, Wally!

Your town must be nicer than mine... I was called a "nuisance animal" and was threatened with a $500 fine if I wouldn't stop singing. Can you believe it?! Surely it can't be because your voice is so much better than mine, huh?

12:57 PM  
Blogger Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I love your choice of music there Wally!

You realy rock! love and licks Marvin xxxxx

2:54 PM  
Blogger Lorenza said...

Hi, Wally.
I hate raining days!! I will try your choice and I will start singing, maybe I will feel better after that!
Have a nice day

5:22 PM  
Blogger Duke said...

awwwwwwww I wanna hear!

Love ya lots,

12:17 PM  
Blogger Katherine and Pippa said...

It's a good thing I am late with these posts - so no-one will see what I say.

But aren't you sort of showing your age with those songs? I didn't think you were that old Wally???

Pippa (young and handsome and lusting after Ethel, I mean looking for Ethel)

5:04 PM  

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