Home Sweet Home
The new dude got his surgery on Tuesday. He was a cryptorchid which does not mean that he had a flower growing inside of him. It did mean that he had TWO incisions--like a neuter AND a spay!
Here he is looking pathetic after being carried out to the car.

Here he is sleeping peacefully in his crate after being carried inside. THIS DID NOT LAST:

And here he is in his cone playing his favorite game of "spear the ma ape in the gut with the cone!"

And here is an artist's rendering of my ma ape:

Number of times the new dude has knocked over the ma ape: 2
Number of times the new dude has pulled her over: 1
Number of bruises on my ma ape from the cone, falling, and other unfortunate accidents: at least two dozen
Number of times he has coned me or my sissy in the bum: 1,000,000,000,000,008
Approximate decibels of his screams: 2,000
Number of times I have decided to sing along with his screaming: Just one glorious duet.
Gus's mom suggested that we try applying alcohol directly to the ma ape. I might take her over to the corgi lounge.
This is not making my ma ape want to get me a bruddar. Though we may help foster a coon hound/beagle mix named gigi.
A girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my dog - you guys need to do MORE duets!!!!! And get it on video!
They say that a baby always changes your life. I guess you can see the logic to that statement at this time.
alcohol...lots of alcohol.
I hope Oscar feels better soon...and the Ma Ape too!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
daaaang haha sorry that I was totally laughing about that, hahaha. wow, sounds like the new dude is really stirring things up over there!!
Maybe your ma ape needs to come hang with me. The martinis are flowing at my house and I'm pretty sure there aren't any coneheads kicking around.
P.S. I expect you will be accompanying your ape, of course.
My Mommi agwees with Gussie alcohol judiciously applied might help...I'm so sowwy that you'we having all this twouble with the little dude, and that youw dad is sick..I will cwoss my paws that things wowk out..I'd love to heaw youw duet
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi
Hope he didn't hurt your Ma Ape with that cone. Hehehe! Hope he heals up soon. Poor baby!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
Allow extra room to get through doors with that cone. I nearly knocked myself out more then once.
Simba x
He sounds like the perfect play pal!
Hey! Our poem of the day was all about singing today! Maybe the Ol' Poke 'n Stick could prescribe some Valley Yumm for your Ma ape. Toss one of those in her pawgarita and she'll be singing along!
wags from the whippets
The alcohol sounds like a good idea to us! We hope you all survive Oscar's cone! And we hope he heels up fast!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Maybe you should give Oscar the alcohol. That might slow him down a bit.
Your friend, Lenny
Of course that might encourage more disoriented butt-jams with the cone. Maybe not a good idea.
Hey Wally Tamale....Is this new chap gonna live with you forever & ever? Or is he in a temp position till he finds his furever home? Anyway...Its fun seeing you & your sissy play with the little dude...& I'd LOVE to hear a duet...it would be heavenly...
Oh...make sure the alcohol is applied directly IN THE MOUTH OF THE MA APE...& not just to the skin..that would be wasteful.
Love & Licks,
WALLY!!!!!! Sorry for yelling, but there is a monkey stick in the window of the pet food store down the street. It is $39.99. I'm so excited that I can't hardly believe it. I have to get mom to take a picture of it. It's orange.
Gus's mom's suggestion is a very good one. i think applying alcohol directly to your ma ape will definately help a bunch.
You got a budder!!!??? How will you ever tell your sissy and your brudder apart? Maybe you should paint one of them orange.
whoa, dude, sounds like there's a lot going on. Your ma ape definitely merits a drinkiepoo or two.
lola smiles
Noshikitomikuariari, Chikatome, and Kiarikakami say we're not so fond of your code...
But we love the idea of the frantic play times once your new bro has healed up. We hope Wally doesn't get shut out. Isaac sometimes feels left out and wont play.
Your ma ape will get over it. :)
Ha ha, the patented shepherd scream! :) Welcome to our world! Narra says excitement isn't exciting unless you can hear it. The human says that's fine, but make his neat.
Getting rammed by the stupid cone head has got to hurt. Hope the cone is gone soon.
Captain and Tenele style duet?! Simon and Garfunkel? ZZ top? Sunny and cher?
M & I
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