Wrestlemania 2008!
Shhh....the little guy is sleeping off his painkillers. If only he were always this quiet. But until he left to go to the vet he was ALL RASSLIN ALL THE TIME. Seriously--like the Newfs of Hazard said, it was like the Matrix with black dogs multiplying and doing their high tech fightin n' bitin'. My sissy has never gotten a workout like this:

But hey! Wait for me!

But what team is he on???

Oh how FABULOUS! (but not the snippity-snip part) Hope he does well and behaves while he is recovering and you're all back to RASSLIN' soon!!!
This post is pure greatness! We still can't get over how much they look alike, it's crazy.
I wish we lived closer, my brothers and sisters are boooring.
ahhhh a big heap of black doggie love!!! heal up Oscar!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm sending healing smoochie kisses to Oscaw..so you can get back to all the fun doggie games..what a pawsome sight..thwee gowgeous black doggies on the gwass..Wally Don't let them keep you out of the game!!
smoochie kisses
Wallsteroni, I've noticed of late that Ethel is quite delicate in the placement of her front paws and I'm wondering if she is a viable replacement for me as the principal ballerina for the Russian Ballet?
Hope wee Oscar feels sort of whole again soon.
healing wishes to the love pup, and AWESOME to you on the slobber on his butt and your head.. excellent!
wags from the whippets
You are for sure the Ric Flair of the black dogs. If those two aren't careful you will be layin the smack down on them. Watch your back. You don't want to be hit with a cheap shot. Those two are either going to keep you young or kill you.
Looks like our guy made it.
Woah, three big black dogs rumbling!!!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
oh my dog that looks like so much fun.
Simba x
I gotta ask, how many times a week does your ma ape vacuum?
that snotty question aside (thanks nm mom, the voice of ocd vacuuming)- does ethel poop out later?
If I got a bruddar, would my moms stop walking me so much?
Yowsa, what a great party!
Nothing like losing your balls to truly appreciate what you've got! Looks to me like Oscar Boy will be up and wrasslin' again in NO TIME!
I like how you two had a little under the tail meeting of the minds.
Tell ETHEL that I'm glad she has the perty collar, otherwise I might not be able to tell which pup she is in the pile (since her paws are lightning fast and blurry all the time).
Tell the Ma Ape you need to have a dog of contrasting color join your group. It will compliment all of that flying black fur.
Goober love & healing smooches for little O,
Aww.. they are really look like my dog.. we also love to wrestle...
That dog pile is great!
I hope he's feeling better soon!! (I was really little when I had that done, so I don't remember it -- thank goodness!!)
Winnie :-)
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