Obama clinches nomination. And now it is time to pick a VP. I think in this historic year it is about time for a cross-species ticket. Now THAT is change I believe in. I have a couple of suggestions.
Ernest, for fresh new ideas and flat basseting:

Labels: ernest, Obamamama, pawliticks, politics, Wally
Who do you get to hump if your Veep?
You would make the best Veep we've had in a looooong time!
I think you'd be pawfect. Only thing, do you think you would be polarizing, you know since both of you are um, black? I pawsonally don't have a problem with that, but you know that old white southern vote???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I think you'd be a great running mate for Obama, Wally! You would balance the ticket. He is taller, you are shorter. Plus, he promised his girls they could get a dog when the campaign is over, so it would be nice for them to meet you.
My nana finally agreed not to vote for John McCain. But she said she is going to write in her wiener dog's name. If he can run, you can run!
Your friend, Lenny
Well Walls, the Hill DID actually win if you count the pawpular vote.
Bussie Kissies
We could so go for that ticket. Obama and Wally T. You have the age and experience to balance out his youth. This is an exciting time. Those dirty dogs in Washington would hold an all new meaning. Lets hope the Mayans were not correct with their calendar.
I am totally voting for you!
You got my vote WallY!
Love the new rasslin' buddy! You're so lucky Wally. I hope my mom gets me a little brother some day!
I think you´d be perfect to pick up the Appalachian states, what with your mixed Welsh-English heritage. And should you feel the need to place a Hispanic in a key leadership position, I´m ready to serve my country!
A pizzle in every pot!
To the cross-species ticket!! Think Obamamama will go for it?
Goober love & smooches,
I know you'll be a better leader Wally!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
I am still in the running.
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You're right, Wally. That joke will NEVER get old. Like you!
After reviewing my previous comment, I hope you do not think I meant that you are old. I meant that you will NEVER get old.
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