Looking Out for Our Hearts

I know we are all gathering for a BIIIIG Stupor Bowl party this weekend but my granny--ever the alert NPR listener--sent me this story to warn me: Sports Fan Stress Can be Heart Hazard. I KNOW! I get so nervous whenever the Cornhuskers play and recently they've given me plenty to stress about. Fortunately I don't really give a cat's behind who wins this year's Bowl (first time in three years one of my teams is not playing!) and so I can dedicate my time to preparing heart healthy foods for us. My list includes: fishables, red wineables, blueberries, oatmeals, and some more fishables. Mostly fishables. In the above photo I am eating HEART HEALTHY, pancreas friendly baby carrots.
And here my sissy and I are getting plenty of exercise (photo from the 3 hours we had snow 2 weeks ago):

Also, love keeps the heart in good shape and my gal Samantha--looking out for me--did a photo shoot to keep my heart a-flutter:
Labels: dogs with blogs, football, friends, health, party, Super Bowl, Wally
Muzzer heard that NPR piece too (that's all she listens too anyway, so how could she miss it?) and she assures me that MOST of the stuff we have for the pawty will be heart healthy. Except maybe for Friday night dinner. Oh, and the hot dogs at Joey's. Maybe you would want to pack your own stuff, but you should at least try the Mexican foodables.
And don't forget about EATING heartables! Beef heartables are SO yummy...and good for the Sherman heart.
How can I ever compete with those ears. My love for you is doomed.
We eat those baby carrots here almost every day. Foley jumps sky high when Grammie says carrot. You have one foxy lady sending your heart a flutter.
You are so nice to prepare such good snacks for the game. Have a good time!
Wally that is some good advice. Thanks buddy.
Hey Baby...
Come to Texas and I'll help you work out that heart...
:::nudge nudge wink wink:::
I'll wrap my ears around that cute little booty of yours...
You're going to Joe Stain's place aren't you?
Hey, Woober Boy!
Thanks for looking out for your heart. I want to hear it ticking for many years to come, buddy!
Your Samantha sounds like one saucy little vixen. Are you on your way to Texas yet?
Goober love & smooches,
do they make fish hot dogs??
That's a very sexy shot of Samantha! Isn't it XXX rated?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We listen to NPR 24/7. NPR NPR NPR. Think we could listen to Squirrellie Talk Radio once in a while? No. NP friggin' R.
sad, over informed wags from the whippets
Dumbo had big ears like that and he could fly. Can that doggie fly?
Simba xx
I eat broccolli, but I can't spell it.
It is supposed to be good for EBS, or Exploding Butt Syndrome apparently.
Thank you for your wise eatables, foodables advice.
Hope you are feeling betterer today Wally!
love and healing licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx
oooooh my Jeannie says she likes the sound of the red wineables. Very much. Very much indeed she says.
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