On Monday I am having a Benign Fatty Tumor (BFT, not nearly as tasty as a BLT!) removed. This is my third one I've had to have popped off. This time they're going to do it with only local anesthesia because I have a ticker arrhythmia (I don't know what they're talking about--I have great rhythm!) AND because I'm real good at the vet and let them do whatever they want to me. Except look at my teeth. Then I get all shy. Though my sissy is threatening to give me sleeping gas if I don't stop singing "My lump My lump My lump, My lovely Wally lumps!" to the tune of the Black Eyed Peas' "My Humps." So, anyway, I've noticed that a number of my friends have ALSO recently had or are going to have their BFTs removed so I think we should have a club of Benign Fatty Friends! The BFFS!
Among the members are:
Scotsman Poet (and face/tongue double for my sissy!) MARVIN!
The Shermanator from Jackman Ave, my Partner in Chicken Backs:

Stay tuned for updates and photos of My lump My lump My lump, My lovely WALLY lumps!
Labels: benign fatty tumors, friends, health, poor Wally, Wally
Trigger has a lovely Wally lump. He doesn't have to have his removed though, not sure why? I think maybe it's because the lump is the only fat on his body.
This is the coolest club EVER!! I think we need t-shirts.
Hey dude...I love that song! Sing it all you want. I'm with Bear...we need t-shirts. Mom is taking me to the VET next week to have my leggy lump looked at. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime...I'm gonna eat lots of xtra chicken backs in honor of you. It should be good mojo for your surgery.
I've got a big ole lumpy on my left side right behind my front leg. The vet says that it's just a fatty tumor thing and it can stay as long as it doesn't bother me! It doesn't bother me! I'll be thinking of you, Wally! Hopefully you won't be wearing the dreaded lampshade!
Love ya lots,
I've got tons of lumps, all different kinds! I won't describe some of the grosser ones, but they sound comparable to Ethel's bad bum. Ew. I don't know if the vet will want to remove any of them.
Have fun with Dr. Teddy Bear on Monday. I hope it doesn't hurt!
Narra thinks she's too young for lumps, but she's got some, too.
My Mom made me promise not to grow a lump just so I could be a member. So I don't have a lump. But I did have a giant swollen mega toe for about a month. Maybe I should start a hystiocytoma club!
Wally, Interesting enough, every one of those lumpy beasts seems to be a beast I have a thang for. Not that I'm the cause of those lumps or anything.
Hi Wally!
I wanted to wish you well on your lumpy surgery tomorrow...I know everything will go A-OK & you'll be back to humping your sissy in no time at all!
I'm taking a break from getting belly rubs from my fantastic G-Ma thats visiting...she leaves tomorrow... I'll be sad then...
Love you Wally & all your lovely Wally Lumps!
Love & Licks,
Hi, Wally!
I had a lump in my back and the vet removed it when he spayed me. It was a two in one surgery.
I am sure everything is going to be ok with your surgery!
Kisses and hugs
Do you think the lump on my nose which was caused by the ringworms should be removed too? It doesn't seem to be going down and it's still pinkish. I wonder why...Sooo many doggies having lumpies on their bodies nowadays.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Woober Boy!
Multiple waves of healing goober smooches are already heading your way, buddy. Enjoy the vet, work that sympathy thing with the ma ape and the vet techs, and let us see your lump, yourlump your lump your lump, your lovely Wally lumps... CHECK IT OUT! (My girl LOVES that BEP's song. I'll have her crank it today on the way to the park so we can both sing the new and improved version).
Goober love & smooches to your ma ape,
Why are they removing it if it's benign?
Do you walk on the treadmill when you sing that song? Foley has a lump back by his butt. Most of the time he is just a big lump who takes up most of the bed.
We both had lumps on our necks when we were little that were removed so we hope we can be part of the club.Oh we sure hope no conehead for you buddyLove and healing kisses A+A
Good luck getting your BFT removed. We think we don't want one even if that is the only way to be part of BFFs.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
You know what Wally, add my Mom to the club because she had one removed from her NECK when she was in high school. It was the size of a golf balL!
I can't stop singing to My Lumps. It definately is THE theme song for your BFF club. :) Are you going to shoot a music video for it too?
Hey - benign fatty tumors are very common in older (or more distinguished) labs. They are usually only removed if they are in a location where they will become a problem - ie: inner leg, etc. If you really trust your vet and your vet thinks it should come off - do it. If your vet is telling you it's your decision whether to remove it or not, get a second opinion or ask the doc what they would do if it were their dog. Usually they can get a bigger sample with a larger gauge needle if they truly suspect a more sinister type of growth. Ultimately, it comes down to peace of mind and safety of the animal. If Wally can tolerate having something removed under a local anesthetic (are they giving him anything else to calm him - valium or the like?) and you're worried, go for it. If the vet is pressuring you to make an extra buck - run and don't look back.
Hope this helps.
Emily (Ike's mom)
Good Gravy, we are lump free and we like it that way! Good luck on your surgery. Don't move or they might cut your tongue off
Just sending you love for the doctors today.
Hope it all goes ok at the vets. Some fine looking doggies there.
Simba xx
Ooo, I've had one removed too. Can I join your club? J x
If you have to go to the vet to be a member of the BFF's, I don't want to join. No disrespect to all of you that are members, I just don't like going to the vet. You are a very handsome group.
oh I am so darn late catching up with all your news Wally!
Yes, the Lump Club is a wonderful idea indeed.
I may be inspired to write an inaugural poem to celebrate.......
love and licks, Marvin
Pround to be a Member of Wally's BFFS!
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