Friday, December 14, 2007

Some Love for the Brat Pack

Since I heard about my friend Thrawn, this is how I've been feeling:

And I've wanted to send some love to my girl Sam who is probably very very sad. Here I am blowing you a kiss from afar.

And here's one up close and personal. Please share with your siblings and especially your mom. Some things are so sad that human words aren't sufficient. The best we can do is doggie smooches.

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Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

I'm sure your smooching will help the whole pack. I know seeing your cute face has TOTALLY helped me!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

3:24 PM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Ah Wally, That's the sweetest thing ever!


3:53 PM  
Blogger Duke said...

We feel so badly for MaryAnn and her pack. I'm sure your sweet face will bring a smile to Sam's face, Wally.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

4:24 PM  
Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...


You have been nominated for Post of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :-)


5:38 PM  
Blogger Deanna said...


6:26 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

Well said, bud.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Patience-please said...

We know just how you feel, Wally.

tails low-
the whippet waggle

10:25 PM  
Blogger Joe Stains said...

Wally you are sending love across the tubes my friend.

1:13 AM  
Blogger Stanley said...


Goob love & SMOOCHES,

4:00 AM  
Blogger The Brat Pack said...

Dear Wally,

It's been a very sad few days here and we're just now getting around to everyones blogs. Thank you for my smooches, I will take all you have.

Love you,

12:50 AM  

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