My Coney Island Sissy!
So my sissy went to the vet on Thursday and this is the face she made:

But because my sissy was a good girl at the vet we got some puffy pig's ears. My sissy's was HUGE! Like it must have come from HOGZILLA:

And I got one even though I didn't go to the vet but I was a good boy and didn't get into anything the last few days. I didn't even drag stuff out of the bathroom which I do when my ma ape is gone too long so I bring out her shampoo and loofah and what not that's on the edge of the tub and I put it in a pile in the living room.

And doing some non-intensive dance moves (which, by the way, Scary Spice wuz robbed on Dancing with the Stars--I demand a recount!) And I sing my Barbershop quartet favorite "hello my Coney headed sissy!"

And look what I taught her to do with her eyes! Synchronized alienation!

Yes, we're finding plenty of things to keep us busy.
It seems Ethel is feeling a bit better - so I'm going to resume my means of shouting communication with her, if that's OK..
Holy Smoly - those are gigantic piglet ears! I don't think I've ever had a piggy mom is too squeemish & gets grossed out by that stuff...what a wussie...
So glad you both are finding stuff to do & keeping out of trouble...just don't let Ethel get into any more fights...the only drain she should have is the internal one when she drinks too much water...OK!
Love & Licks,
That reminds me, mom didn't hold up her end of the bargain about us getting our pigs ears from Sunshade and Jaffa the next day! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Thanks for the reminder, Wally! You guys are making us drool!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wally, I'm so happy to hear that you are finally passing along your knowledge. It's never too early to teach your sissy the ways of the Wally.
I do love that lovely hem on her cone. Mine was nowhere near as stylized. I was wondering if it was a sample from Project Runaway.
Oh those pig ears were huge. I would like ones that size. We are glad Ethel is feeling better. We think the shirt is very becoming on her.
I'm glad Ethel is getting better. Does she still have the stitches so we can be stitchy sistas? She sure is smart, learning all those new dance moves and tricks. And I am very amused by the story about how you bring all your ma ape's shampoozles and loofadoodles out to the living room when she's gone too long. Brilliant!
Who knew that your sissy's injury would bring you two together EVEN CLOSER. You are so synchronized it's like that POLICE album (speaking of Dancing With the Stars, I'd like to see Sting on there).
Give Ethel some more gooberlicious smooches from me & MY sissy (double the dose). Glad she's no longer a pus bucket.
You know, one of the things I love about you, Woobs, is that you're just OUT THERE with it, no matter how intimate your revelations may be. I wonder why you choose shampoo and loofahs to drag out, and why you make a pile of them in the living room. Highly intriguing!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I'll remember the wrasslin' distraction information. It may come in handy.
Goob love,
By the way,
K Fed WISHED he looked so good. (That's as good a use as any for a "wife beater" shirt).
Your goob,
Hi, Wally
Glad to hear that Ethel is feeling better!
Your pig ears look delicious. Sure your ma ape knows how to mantain you two entertained!
Have a good night
You and Ethel are becoming more and more "taken over". How cool is that? They will be coming soon.
Fat Charlie thinks Ethel is beautiful even though she is Big and Hairy.
We don't ever get pig's ears since the Servant saw Babe. (even before that, but that did it for good)
the ripped off whippet waggle
Dearest Wally and Ethel-
So glad to see that Ethel is on the mend and enjoying the delight that comes from chewing on animal parts. You know, they say you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear but I'd take the sow's ear any day of the week unless the silk purse is filled with treats. Anyway, keep up the united front of begging!
I'm glad to see that Ethel is feeling better.
That is so awesome the syncronized alien eyes.
Frenchie Snorts
So glad Ethel's doing better! And so glad my sister isn't the only one who takes shower supplies out of the bathroom when our girl is gone too long....
we are glad to hear that the puster brown is feeling better. you guys are very good dogs, I might be a good dog for a pigs ear that big.
Ethel looks better naked.
I used to pile mistress's clothes up on the sitting room floor. She used to leave them all over so I thought it was helpful to tidy them into one place.
Hey pals, I seem to have missed all the stuff about Ethel's injury. Glad to hear that she's on the mend. I'd like to have met the pig that those ears came from in real life, he must have been HUGE! J x
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