Helooooooooooo! My name is BIG RED. Ok, really it is Oscar but I like to be called BIG RED. 'Specially if you call me that while giving me snacks and buttrubs! WOooooooo Buttrubs! Every weekend this lady comes to my house at the SPCA and walks the new dogs and then takes ME OUT and she gives me butt rubs and I give her the SLOBBERY KISSES. Mmmmm. She asked me to tell you about the
SPCA DOGS that you could TAKE HOME, oK?

Let me introduce you to some of my friends! This girl is maybe a border collie mix. She doesn't have a name so let's call her BIG RED'S GIRLFRIEND. HAHA! She is a little shy but pretty calm. Unlike me! Haha!

Look! It is my friend BONES who needed new photos because when he came he was like Nicole Ritchie skinny and now he has meat on his BONES. He loves to play play play and get loads of the ladyattention.

He is a dog of many faces!

This girly girl is Mikayla and she is a pit bull like me! But smaller. But I think almost everyone is smaller than me.

She was really shy but she let that lady who pets me pet her and then she found out about the buttrubs and she gave up some of her slobber. Go Mikayla!

Look at THIS handsome fellow. He is a big Phillies Phan because they are comeback kids and they might even make the playoffs! WOOOOO PHILLEEEEEEEEZ.

Look what a great actor he is! He's pretending he's watching the Ryan Howard hit a HOME RUN to win the WORLD SERIES for the PHILLIES. SO EXCITING!

You can come adopt us any time or give $$ through the
SPCA website or to your own shelter because I bet there are totes cool dudes wherever you are who also need help (though none are as cool as the fellow above, agreed?) Also next weekend is the
SPCA FOR PAWS DAY! That slobbery lady is going to help take pictures of dogs who visit and sell VEGAN BAKED GOODS. What's a vegan and do they taste good??????
See you next Saturday unless I get ADOPPPPPTED! (Adopt me!)
Labels: adoption, dogs rule, rescue, shelter, spca
We are doing a circle of adopting vibes for you Big Red.
I want Big Red to come live with me!!!!! OK...so that was my stupid Mom talking (like I didn't get her all to myself...FINALLY!) but if it would make her happy, I guess I could go for it.
He is nowhere near as handsome as we are, dude.
The Girl wants to come to Delaware and bring Big Red home. It's time for his fur-ever home!!!
Your ma ape does a good thing at the SPCA, Wally.
Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl
We hope that we do NOT hear from you again Big Red :( I am joining Moco's circle.
joining the circle with double terrier vibes.
gussie n teka
You know that your mama is the best spokesape (naked or otherwise) that any dogs could have! I cannot believe that Big Red has not been snatched up yet by some dog-crazed family. I believe his time will come!
Big smooches of truthiness to the ma ape for all she's doing. Dude, that used to be you and me, remember?
Goober love & smooches for you,
Pee Ess
Stella thinks she & Oscar Bean must be cosmicly linked because they share the same middle name. Scary scary thought.
They all are sooo sweet!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ah Red, I am so hoping you get the best family ever.
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