Paging Dr. Pippa
A few weeks ago my friend Pippa had a poorly tum and suggested a pizza cure. Apply one pizza directly to the mouth. Well, we have needed such a thing.
On Monday my baby brudder Oscar had a poorly tum and it was coming out of both ends. My ma ape spent a lot of time scrubbing on the carpet.

Today it was my turn to be poorly, though I was not nearly as bad as the baby brudder. Just one wee barf. And at least I don't try to eat it like someone I know. Just thinking about his grossness makes me do this.

I am trying to convince my ma ape that we need the Pippa Pizza Cure. And maybe some TastyCakes for good measure to turn our sour tums into solid smiles:

Labels: Dr. Wally, DWB, friends, oscar, Pippa, poor Wally, poorly, sick, tums, Wally
Must be something in the air, Mom about drowned me in Pepto last night. Blech.
Hmmmm, we've been pretty lucky around here in the whole digestive dept. It's a good thing too...I don't think Mom could handle any more stress.
second the stress thing. Teka gots a UTI, sheesh...
sheesh, eating your own barf, sounds like the doofus. I think perhaps you guys might need 2 pizzas, sounds like a serious case over there.
Have you ever tried cat barf? deeeelish!
I skip the floor and barf directly on mom's bed. She gets so excitered that she squeals!
I hope you are doing well now!
Kisses and hugs
Oh no Wally! I sure hope your tum tum feels better...tell your ma ape that pizza & tum tum rubs are the cure..& that she needs to take the next 2 weeks off of her ape work to stay home & nurse you back to health...
love & licks,
You want to hear something tragic?
We can't get Tastycakes in Kentucky.
Doesn't that make you feel much better?
deprived wags from the whippets
When I barf, Mummy sometimes joins in while trying to clear it up. Its a fun game for the whole family.
Simba x
Dr Pippa signing in here somewhat late as usual.
Well, I've still not had any pizza yet but neither have they.
Whoops, I lie, mistress didn't know that master snuck me a bit last weekend when she wasn't here.
I snaffled four peas today too that fell on the floor. That must be like half a pea-zza.
Mistress only has tiles to clean up, so no probs for her. My conscience is clear.
Good luck on getting some tasties (wouldn't bother with cakes mind).
Pizza rocks! Hope you get a whole one just for you.
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