SPCA Saturday!
My ma ape was whooooooring around again today at the SPCA in spite of the fact that i had to go for walk this morning in a RAGING THUNDERSTORM. Dram-ma Ma-ma! Someone should adopt this dogs IMMEDIATELY so that my ma ape can stay home with the one who needs her. Get thee to the SPCA!
This dude was Buddy, a Golden Retriever that was totes sweet. I don't think he will be at the SPCA long--he might have gotten adopted today!

This cool dude is Willis, a friendly American Bulldog.

And THIS dude was named Tucker, though my ma ape called him Jarvis Cocker. And she was totes smitten with him because he reminded her of ME.

And goofy looking. NO RESEMBLANCE.
And Oscar Big Red is still there. Still goofy.

How could anybody compare that Tucker dog to your Wally-ness? I mean that dog was FAT, whereas you are just SUBSTANTIAL. Plus that dog was goofy and you are unique.
BTW - I'm still a little confused about the whole wally-melon thing. I mean except for the shape, they don't look a bit like you.
Wow...that big red dog really has some neato moves! & I agree with Mango..how could Tucker EVER compare to Wally the Great? Is your ma getting drugs at the SPCA too? not just free love?
Love & Licks,
That big red is quite the guy. That is a great picture your ma ape got of him.
Wahhhleee...why do you let your ma ape go to the SPCA. I mean, I know you are the best of dogs, and you probably have some kind of altruistic motive here, but man, you are just lookin at another brother or sister if she keeps this up. Muzzer goes gaga over the pictures, and Dad and I have made a deal for mucho treats so that I will guilt her into not going to volunteer at one of those places.
Dad says...Muzzer does not unnerstan that he has no intention of having more than two dogs, and if muzzer worked at a shelter, we would have eight or nine. (ahem, he had no intention of having more than ONE until Old Teka camed along) Maybe it is not all Muzzer's problem, huh.
Anyway, keep your ma ape busy at home. A deep hacking cough that only happens on Saturday might be just the trick.
We can not believe how lose your Ma Ape is with her affection. What a floozie! Grammie would love that Tucker. She has this thing for Spaniels. Pappy says, "Moco those spaniels aren't right. Not like you."
That Oscar Big Red is such a sweetie. Aren't you worried your mom is going to break down and bring him home one day. I sure hope he gets adopted.
WAlly!!!!! The Sask Roughriders ... the Wallymelon head team .... won again! They are now 6 and 0. Go Green Go! I'm working on getting you a banadana. Their current mascot is a gopher. I'm working on that too. I mean really. A gopher?
I sure do hope those doggies get adopted fast. They are all quite handsome.
That is so wonderful your momma ape pays them a visit like that. I know they absolutely love it.
Hey Wally!
We call into your blog for some laffs and sunshine.
Thank you for making us smile.
Your pal, Marvin.
oh and yes it has been real sad times for DWB bloggers, we feel for you all.
That guy does kind of look like a blond permed wally. a little, I mean clearly he is MUCH heavier than you. clearly.
HOW is Big Red still there? Good thing Mom lives in Texas.
That fluffy curly dog is like 3xs your size.
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