anthropomorphism: personifying or attributing human characteristics to an animal or other non-human being.
note: this blog's content is copyright protected by its owner. content thieves will be gummed by wally.
Hey! My Senator Joe is going to be VEE-PEE! You can read about it on Barking for Barack, my pawliticks site. Ike and Jake were smarty-pants and figured it out.
Grammie says, "Moco I used to listen to Joe when he would come on that goofy Imus show. He always had something intelligent to say. I think it was a great choice."
Wally this isxiting!!1
I'm bawking fow them too
smoochie kisses
Thanks for the shout out, dude!
We love Joe. Our servants were Delawarians, Delawarites, lived in Delaware before there were us. They love Joe, too.
wags from the whippets
Will you be speaker of the house?
M & I
Grammie says, "Moco I used to listen to Joe when he would come on that goofy Imus show. He always had something intelligent to say. I think it was a great choice."
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