Shocking Revelations
As you may have read below, we are in the midst of the Chillaxympics, two weeks of chilling and relaxing with the best. But as the head of the IOC (international order of corgador) I have some shocking revelations about my team.

The first are charges related to CONDUCT UNBECOMING a chillaxer.

And embarrassing the corgador by getting whooped by a border collie.

The second set of charges are related to failure to max and relax!

Oh No! Not chillin? How could anydog not love to do that!?!? If you need anyone else, I'm a great snuggling and I love to do that all hours of the day!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Heya Wally...Teka is no good at chillin either, so I have to do her share. It is a hard life, but someone has to do it.
Fear not Wally! I am chillaxing. I did have a go at two goddamned cats this morning, but being on a leash, was unable to make actual contact and was forced to return to chillaxing. Ruby is an excellent addition to the team.
What is not to understand that napping is the best thing you can do. What is wrong with those goofs you share a home with?
Hi, Wally!
Those two deseve to be disqualified.
I can join your team too! I am good at chilling too!
Kisses and hugs
Wally, I am so honored to be part of the team and I promise to do you proud. Have Ethel and Oscar been tested for banned substances??? That cold explain their behavior don't you think?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Aiyayah! What to say? What to say?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Please let me join your team! Please see my latest entry at, I nap really, really, really, well!
Chillin', Cooper
That is cewtainly conduct unbecoming to a chillaxew..I hope as the pwesident of the fedewation you wewe able to stwaighten them out
smoochie kisses
Hey Wally! We're too wild and wired for your team but we'll lick you so you can cool off without moving!
Your wallymelon helmet suggestion is sheer genius. But we will have to purchase them wherever the Roughriders are NOT playing. They do tend to sell out. BTW, your team just lost, but it was the first loss in 12 games and it was to a solid team, so there is no shame in it at all. You can still be proud to be their mascot!
Very Old Dog would be a natural for your team these days. He has Chillaxin down to a fine art. Lindy Loo and Swede William would NOT NOT NOT qualify.
wags from the whippets
Woober Walls!
Believe it or not, STella has joined our team as an alternate. She alternates from full-on all-out behavior unbecoming to a chillaxer, to complete, total and undeniable chillaxin' to the MAX.
Good move to bring Ruby onto the team. She's a natural.
Goober love & smooches,
Can I represent Minnesota.
NO ONE can chillax like me.
Hey, Wally! We're chillaxin' on our blog today with yummilicious goodness all because of YOU!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am tired just watching those nuts you live with, how do they do it?
Thank you for your concern while I was unwell. Your kind words made me get better so much quicker.
Simba x
I just know that Border Collie was the supplier...
Total bummer about your team mates. Watch out for those aliens that they don't anal probe your little round self.
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