Happy Burpday TO ME!
Today is my burpday! You may remember me celebrating my burpday (really my gotcha day) back in February. And I'm celebrating today! That's because it is my ma ape's burpday (her age in dog years-2,783. If I've done the math right). My granNE says we are CODEPENDENT and I think that means that we share everything. Especially burpdays!
So I suggested that my ma ape do a little shopping for her burpday. And so, she did! She went to her favorite boutique and got....

So--we got WIZZLERS!

And then we had ice cream din dins!

We even got to eat from people bowls.

Even though some of us don't even have enough table manners to keep our tongues in our mouths. Ahem.

And some of us bite off more than we can chew.

Labels: burpday, ethel, food, ice cream, oscar, Wally, wizzlers
awwwwwwwwwww wallllllllleeeeeeey
bonne anniversaire from the 509 from whence you came.
xo in a guy buddy way, not that way,
HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY!! That ice cream looks FABULOUS! (except for the brain freeze part ) Love A+A
Bonne FĂȘte to the ma ape & Wallypoo!
Spoiled rotten, just a little, eh!? Lucky, lucky pooches.
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Happy birthday, Wally! If we could figure out a way to mail you Wallymelon sherbet and keep it frozen we would! Your ice cream doesn't look too bad to us! We're glad you all enjoyed it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
The brain freeze picture is really funny! Happy burpday to your ma ape and you! lol
Awww!! Happy Burpday to you...Happy Burpday to you...HaPpY bUrPdAy DeAr WaLlY!
Nom nom nom...ah ha! I love watching you eat!
Love & Licks,
Oh...almost forgot...
Happy burpday to you...
Happy burpday to you...
HaPpY bUrPdAy DeAr WaLlY's Ma-ApE...
Love & Licks,
Happy burpday to you both!! Um, did you get her anything?
Bonne fete mon amour! And Happy Burpday to your ma ape too!
Are we sure it was the ice cream that made Oscar's brain freze?
Happy second Birthday, Wally!
And dad says to say happy birthday to the Ma-Ape! We eat grass all the time! It's yummy! We keep hoping dad'll make us some grass flavored ice cream. Tell your ma ape making sorbet is easy and she should do it for you!
And we love your going mad with hunger photo from the last post.
Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BURPDAY TO YOUR MOM!! Ok, but what is that doorway behind you? It looks like a horror movie entrance to some place where a guy with a chainsaw will probably cut your head off.
Happy burpdays, yous twos! Your ma ape bought my mom's very most favorite flavor of ice cream: Cookie Avalanche! She prefers the dairy-free kind and NEVER lets me have any. Harumph. What flavor did you get to taste?
Happy birthday to you and your ma!
Ice cream looks yummy!!!
We would be happy to send you extra food, but can't find the post office. Happy burpday to you all. Ice cream is always good. It doesn't even have to be in a bowl.
Woah, happy Burp-day to your Mum and you! Your Mum is a Leo just like our Mum, how cool!
Ice cream... ice cream?!?!? We don't get ice cream ever.... Moooooom, where's our ice cream?
Thats it Wal, we're packing our bags and heading to your place...
M & I
happy burpday wally and to your ma-ape too! it was very nice of you two to share the burpday ice cream :)
Hi, Wally!
Happy Birthday to your Ma Ape!
And to you too!
You know how to celebrate!
Kisses and hugs
happy burpday wally!!
Wishing you a very happy birthday. Looks like you got tastey treats.
Simba x
Happy Burpday to the Ma Ape
Happy Burpday Ma Ape!!! W00t!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy happy everyday to your ma ape and to you the OBDs (other black dogs)!!
wags from the whippets
Sweet Ma Ape!
Extra juicy goober birthday smooches coming your way via Wally. He gets first dibs, sorry. (Bromance comes first.)
Looks to me that Oscar got himself a tongue freeze going on. I hope you finished off his ice cream for him, since it's such a hazard to him.
Sorry I missed the actual day, but as far as we're concerned, we celebrate every day that we know you!
Stinkin' glad you were both born.
Goob love & smooches,
Happy Birthday Wally! It looks like you got lots of yummy treats!
I am a doofus for missing your birthday. I hope it was great for you and your ma ape.
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