We're having a heat wave! This is where we are now (look at Philly)--and we might make it to triple digits!

Oscar has already learned how to cool his belly and his jets (he's in front of the fan here):

I like to dig holes in the mud in the backyard to hide in. Also I find a nicely cooled chicken back--partially thawed--does wonders:

Yesterday my ma ape went to the SPCA and walked the dogs in the HEAT. Here she is with her favorite dude who is named Oscar but is not my baby brudder. My ma ape calls him BIG RED because he is big and red and loves my ma ape and she loves big red football and big red dogs. So there you go. (See my ma ape's sunburn! She is red like big red! That's taking your football fandom a little far, ma ape).

My ma ape also had to talk pawliticks with her pal Big Red (see she is on a leash! Ha!) She wore her
Ernest tee for Big Red to consider.

He gave a hearty endorsement (if you look closely you can see he is licking Ernesto).

P.S. My ma ape didn't have another ape with her so these photos are taken MySpace style with her holding the camera AND giving scritches to Big Red. The quality is, ahem, less than stellar, ma ape!
Labels: food, heat wave, oscar, spca, summer, Wally
Uh oh - are you getting another little brother?
Way too hot! Mom is limiting my sun bake time so I don't get heat stroke!
We are soo loving the heat!!! but staying inside most of the time!
Stay cool, ok?
love ya
lola smiles
Teka says to tell Ma Ape that she needs to get up way earlier to walk in the heat. That is why we hit the streets at 5:00 ayem. At least, that is the story she is spreading now.
looks like even though you got another bruther the cheating continues! You sure did get a cool brother tho!
The heat is awful here too. Mom doesn't let me outside near as much as I like
we sure arent getting much heat here on teh west coast...and i love it...cool and windy but with lotsa sun...gotta love it..wally that is very nice of your mom to take big red for a walk....
Wally, It's hotter than snot here too! Except I'm not really clear on how hot snot is exactly, but it was hot enough that I went swimming to cool off.
Big Red is adorable -- exactly the kind of doggins I like to hang with. Your baby brudder Oscar is pretty darn cute too, but he's probably way too young and annoying for a grumpy diva like me.
You are smokin' hot, as usual (but not hot as snot.)
Woah, America's HOT! You guys are not the only ones suffering, here in Malaysia is terrible HOT too!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
You sure are diggin that chix back! Our dad brought us some Wally melon and we liked it! He said there was so much it filled the whole picnic table. If he had his camera he would have taken a picture for you.
All is well until someone farts in front of the fan.
M & I
It's only in the 50's here. It's much nicer weather for going outside. Your Ma Ape is sure getting to be popular at the SPCA. Do you think she will want to go and live there anytime soon? How many more dogs can you have in your neighborhood?
It's hot here too, Wally. Stay cool!
Your friend, Lenny
We're thinking of moving to Ohio with our Grandpa for the summer! At least it's cooler there. We are supposed to go to 99 degrees today. We don't even want to stick our noses outside!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hey, Woober!
Oscar de la Fan HOg looks like he's got his priorities straight at least! Glad he gets a break from the lampshade now & then too.
Personally, I like your ma ape's face and her MySpace-style photos. She obviously loves the pups to be going in the middle of the HEAT WAVE to walk them & talk pawlitics!
Give juicy goob smooches to her for me, and dole some out to your sisy and even to O-Man! Of course, the juiciest and smoochiest are for you, my Wally Boy!
Goober love,
Make sure you train him to keep up the annoying stuff so you remain the favorite.
Bussie Kissies
Hi Wally...Your little brudder is quite the show off in front of the fan! He hasn't learned the word 'modesty' yet, has he?
& don't you EVER worry Wally..I'll never fall for a younger man while you are still the apple of one of my eyes!
Love & Licks,
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