Weekend Stupor!
It was already a busy week, what with my surgery on Monday and the my self-performed stitch removal on Thursday. And then with the Stupor Bowl and the Stupor Bowl parties it has been one busy weekend! Thanks to Joe and Gus for being GREAT hosts! (And thanks for letting me bathe in the hot dog water. I smell HOT!)
My sissy has been so excited for the game.

But then my sissy is not the brightest bulb in the socket. She's still trying to figure out how this squirrel swallowed a tennis ball. And why it never runs away:

I've been curious about this Tom Brady fellow. Everyone says he is SOOOO handsome but surely he can't top this. (Also--I hear he dates a Gazelle. I'm sure she's got nothin' on my Sam. Or Randi. Or Sophie. They'd make her look like a CAT.)

Since it is a football game I have to be all testosteroney (this is what I have learned from Under Armor ads). So I've been working on my tuffness by attacking my cow. She moooooooos.

Do I look as tuff as a linebacker? What if I grunt?

Since my sissy and I were tied up with our social obligations my ma ape decided to do a little cooking. She made some sort of pie.

But it was a savory pie! Kasha/Kraut pie with Phyllo Dough and Dill/Horseradish Sour "Cream." Oh sounds tasty. And it was! (Tastier than these pictures would let on anyway).

And my ma ape was inspired by Gus's Mexican buffet that she decided to make her own. She made Wally Tamales (spicy!) and Yuca and Vegetable Etheldillas. I love Dogamole so I was glad she made that, too.

It was so tasty and I'm so full that I might just roll into bed.

(As an Eagles fan I never thought I'd say this but Go Giants!)
Oh Golly Wally! Does this mean I'm one of your girlfriends? I'm feeling very bashful at the moment!
I'd love to try some of your ma's veggieables foodables...sounds wonderfulables...
HI ETHELLLLLLLLL!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love & Licks,
So glad you guys could come for the weekend. And tell your mom that even though Albert uses some meat, he has modified most of his recipes since he had heart problems a few years ago, so cardiac arrest is prolly not a great risk, unless your mom hears about how many eggs you ate this morning/
Your mom makes some fancy super bowl food.
Well, YUMMM!!! Wally, you are way too cute to be tough, but then Plaxico cried during the post game interview and how cute was that???
We wish your ma would share a recipe or six...
wags from the whippets
Hey Wally, You'll never guess. My very own ma ape went to a Stupor Bowl party and watched the whole last half of the game. She found it quite true to form, because everything she knows about American football, she's learned from watching Friday Night Lights. They always win in the last 15 seconds. I guess the Giants won in more like the last 30 seconds, or whatever, but pretty close.
p.s. I think all us girls are better looking than that gazelle too.
that gazelle was not even close to being as hot as Sophie. I think we ate 100 lbs of hot dogs this weekend.
We think you'd look sexy in under armour ;o)
Hi, Wally!
My mom loves philo pies! And yours looks yummy!
Kisses and hugs
You are wayyyyyyyyy cuter than Tom Brady could ever be,Wally!
How about those Giants! Dad is still floating on Aire!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My My,
Miss Ethel is looking fine! So is all the food your Ma made. Mom says she's coming over the next time she makes tamales.
Tom Brady brought his own hairstylist to the game...shows where his head was.
All that grub looks pretty darn tasty...even if it is vegematerian.
Wally -
In my book you are more handsome than Tom and i think I have my human convinced of this as well!
Whew - no more pawtying for me for a while.
Mistress and I are getting VERY hungry. We have just come from Jackman Ave where they had pierogis Don't know what they are but they looked GOOD. Now we want your filo stuff. Why is everyone eating this weekend?
Ethel is a bright star in the firmament so there. Pippa
I thought you smelled especially delicious..now I know youw secwet..hot dog watew, yummmI could lick you all ovew.
Youw Mom's eatables look fabulous, we'we all dwooling hewe..you'd think with all I ate this weekend, I couldn't be tempted, but nope, I'm hungwy again..I guess saving the game made me hungwy
smoochie kisses
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