Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wally's Back!


I'm guarding the suitcase so that 1) to guard the bag of presents FOR ME that I'm sure is in there 2) so it cannot be repacked and taken on a new trip without me.

Last time there were NO PRESENTS for Wally because US Airways lost the ma ape's luggage! This time they were nice enough to lose it on the trip TO San Fran so that I wouldn't lose my presents on the way back. Good job! I got some bacon bits snacks that are long since in my belly.

And the ma ape got me these lions in Chinatown because she thinks they look like me. Except I am not green, though maybe if they fed me more wasabi peas.

And here is my new hippo! It is a Chewish Toy and says "Zaftig" on the side which the card tells me is "Pleasingly Plump." What is THAT supposed to mean, ma ape?

The hippo works well on my back. He is pleasing and he is plump.

And, of course, we got GUILTY MA APE snacks! Here I am eating my FROSTY PAW! Mmmmm.

This morning for breakfast we got some raw beef and eggs and cottage cheese. The ma ape said that was too gross to post a picture of. I don't know what she's talking about.



Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Mmmmmm .. Hippo, doggie ice cream, bacon, mmmmmmmm. We hoped your ma ape totally rocked in San Fran, but we are glad she came back because we missed you Wally!

9:26 AM  
Blogger Suki & Joey said...

YAY! Wally's back! :) I missed your funny posts!

Did your mom have a good time in Frisco? Those green dragons are very cool.

Puggy kisses

9:37 AM  
Blogger Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Wally,
I L*O*V*E Frosty Paws!!! They are the best. Your ma ape must have missed you very much to get all those goodies!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

10:33 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

ohhhhhhhhhh look at that Frosty Paw in your mouth! Will you get a brain freeze if you down it in one shot? You sure make it look yummy!

Love ya lots,

11:05 AM  
Blogger Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What are frosty paws? We don't get them here in the UK. It's almost worth the humans going away if they bring back lovely presents on their return! J x

12:07 PM  
Blogger Cash said...

YAY, you are back!
I've heard a lot of dogs on here talking about Frosty Paws...I'll have to get Momma to "Google" it and find out what they are...and see if she can get us some!
Jasper & Jack

4:47 PM  
Blogger Cash said...

Thanks for asking about Baby Brayson!
He is doing very well...still in the hospital...but breast-feeding some now and gaining weight...he may get to go home in a couple of weeks!

5:05 PM  
Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

No food is ever to gross to post photos of.

Glad mum's back safe & sound.

Oscar x

5:23 PM  
Blogger Peanut said...

Oh I would have loved to see pictures of you dinner. That Frosty paws looks good. My mom needs to buy some doggie ice cream from the schwan man again. Glad you are back and your mom brought you presents.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Hey Wally, Tell your ma ape that the Thing's owner is an urban planner/architect guy ... and if she was hanging around with him, she probably shouldn't mention that Sophie doesn't like the Thing. Same conference -- is your ma ape a geographer?

9:30 PM  
Blogger The Brat Pack said...

Wow, you loaded up! She must have felt reeeeeaally guilty!

That first pic of you - well - it made me have butterflies in my tummy. :::blushing:::


10:15 PM  
Blogger Kerrio said...

Woohoo! Wally's back
(and about time too - we've been missing our Wally fix!)

Nice toys Wally - though I think Tealeaf would shred the Hippo in about 30 second. (I'd like one though).

1:22 AM  
Blogger Ferndoggle said...

Welcome back Wally!! We missed you. Don't you just love when your people come home with presents! Almost worth them being away.


7:54 AM  
Blogger Joe Stains said...

holy crap I am still amazed that you eat all the frosty paws at one time, that is talent! my little block head would explode!

1:16 PM  

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