Monday, April 09, 2007

Wally, Political Prisoner

My ma ape learned today from a friend of hers in Beijing that my blog is BLOCKED in China! They must worry that I am the purveyor of truthiness, the master of righteousness, and the fighter for freedom and justice around the world!

Or maybe they were shocked by the picture of my perfect bum?

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Blogger Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh I do hope they get my blog!

Bussie Kissies

7:25 PM  
Blogger Suki & Joey said...

Your blog is BLOCKED? Why? Seriously, what is that all about? Don't the Chinese see how unbelievably cute you are?!?

Puggy kisses

8:33 PM  
Blogger Boo Casanova said...

hey wally,

i heard the whole china banned blogger completely. so don't worry, they are not discriminating your blog.

wet wet licks


9:12 PM  
Blogger Emily and Ike said...

You are just too revolutionary.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Gus said...

Way to go Wally! Can you help me get banned in China? I could probably get a bigger paycheck at the store. Muzzer is such a liberal chick!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Gus said...

Way to go Wally! Can you help me get banned in China? I could probably get a bigger paycheck at the store. Muzzer is such a liberal chick!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Joe Stains said...

wow, you should get a tag that says that, BANNED IN CHINA! that is some street cred!

11:04 PM  
Blogger Tealeaf said...

Ahh- it must be cos you are a subversive, capitalist Corgador!

I'm impressed!


1:18 AM  
Blogger Fu Fu said...

What? How come they block your blog? That's so weird.

~ fufu

4:49 AM  
Blogger Maximillian the Valliant said...

You're dangerous man! I knew it!

Thanks for the delicious pictures of is she lucious! Hard mouth..mmmm a girl after my own heart! Tell her I'll be coming for her!


5:42 AM  
Blogger scubee said...

Yup, mine's blocked too.

Finally, another like me! Big dog, little totally lets us be big, while still persuading our people that we really are lap dogs. oh the evolutionary advantages!


1:01 PM  
Blogger Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Mine may be blocked as well, but as I don't know anyone in China, I am not going to worry about it!

But yours is so cool Wally, it should be available world wide.

In fact, World Wide Wally Vision! That is a brilliant idea!

love and licks your Pal, Marv xxxx

2:47 PM  
Blogger Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

You radical little fellow you!

Oscar x

3:38 PM  
Blogger Liberty Doo Dah said...

Maybe you should note on your blog, BANNED IN X COUNTRIES! How explicit!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Sunshade said...

It's okay Wally, they eat black dogs in China, so you are safer being banned.....

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

5:10 AM  
Blogger Finnegan said...

Hmmm, I have some readers in China. I am not sure about recently though. So silly!

I guess talking about my farts isn't too subversive.


8:02 AM  
Blogger Peanut said...

The chinese government just doesn't want your lovely self to influnce their people.

11:27 AM  

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