Monday, March 12, 2007

What's up, Doc?

A couple of weekends ago my real-life and blog-life friends Buko, Narra, and Jackson (friends in that when I first met him I tried to kill Buko and Narra is on notice and we haven't even tried with Jackson but I digress) cornered this guy who got trapped in their fence and died, frozen with rigor mortis and the cold. Read about it here. They created this piece as an art installment commenting on nature/nature and culture/nature interactions. I'd explain the complexities of their ideas to you but it is meant to invoke thought:

So someone in my house decided to get me a special snack in honor of the Art of the BNJ gang:

95% rabbit. The other 5%? Pure artistic jouissance.

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Blogger Deanna said...

Wow, that looks nummy! I'll have to be on the lookout for some of that.

5:11 PM  
Blogger Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow!....rabbit meat...

i think v dogs get rather too pampered nowadays...

initially v juz got chicken, then later beef, n then lamb, turkey, kangaroo, salmon...n all sort...

later i wonder would v had tiger meat or polar bears...

2:27 AM  
Blogger Sophie Brador said...

Hey Wally, I'm confused. Whose the artist? Must be the rabbit.

8:18 AM  
Blogger wally said...

Sophie--the dogs had the vision and foresight to chase the rabbit into the fence and leave him perilously perched between life and death. Deep, eh?

Cubby & Pacco--I'm sure it will be tasty! I don't think I want polar bear meat, though. Too tough!

11:26 AM  

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