One of my number one ladies Randi had surgery today to remove some lumps and bumps and while she is waiting for her results we are all going to keep our paws crossed hoping for the best. Yes, it will make our walks and lifting our legs more complicated but we can do it!
Now, Randi had one lump removed from her side that she is a bit self-conscious about.

Labels: DWB, friends, girlfriends, Randi, sick, Wally, worry
Would it help if I flashed her my floofy butt too?
Paws khrossed fur a khwikhk healing fur your lady!
Oh Wally - I'm just crying my eyes out...not in pain, but in utter happiness! You just made my day! I love seeing your fluffy buffy buttaroonie ....I think that will heal ANYTHING that ales me!
That & some of that WACKY TOBACCY you've been hiding!
Love & Licks,
Awww poor baby!
My Jaymie was at the vets too for an emergency problem. They ran a bunch of tests and I won't have results till tomorrow. I'm really worried.
Hee hee Wally! You crack us up! When Moose had a mole removed from his face i called him frankenbeak! We are worried about Randi too and have our paws crossed!
crossing paws and fingers here.
gussie d and teka t
Whew should probably warn us older gals before posting those back end photos....whew....
lordy...would someone get me a cold beverage please
I am worried about my cougar gal too. Gosh, I didn't know she had a thing for fluffy butts.
You awe the best.
I'm suwe Randi will appweciate the solidawity, and especially that last photo..WOW
smoochie kisses
We are quite sure that Randi will appreciate your flashy butt picture, Wally! We hope she feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw, Woober Boy!
I may want to get sick just to get a little of that Corgador healing myself! You know just how to make your buds happy.
Randi girl is totally in our thoughts here in GooberStan. I think that booty shot of yours may have given her an adrenaline boost that may flush out any unwanted nasty cells from her body.
Goober love & smooches,
great post wally - happy to see it made randi smile - all the bully brats have our paws crossed and candles lite for Randi
feel better sweetheart
woodrow sweetie mj
We are totally sending healing vibes and good lumpy vibes to Randi.
I'm gonna go visit Randi now!
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