Law(n) & Order
I call on you, the readers of my blog, to serve as jurors in this case in which the defendant is accused of high whines and misty meaners.
The accused:

The prosecutor:

The Judge (with Moose. With budget cuts we couldn't afford and judge AND prosecutor. Or a gavel.):

Here are court transcripts for you, the jurors, to consider:
Judge: Defendant, how to you plead?
Defendant: Not guilty by reason of Doofusatiude.

Prosecutor: For your consideration, photos of the victim immediately following the incident:

Victim: The dogs were shouting at the neighbor dog. I tried to block them from the fence when the defendant...
Prosecutor: Could you point to him?
Victim: That one. That looks like a Doofus.
Prosecutor: Let the record show the victim identified the Doofus with his tongue sticking out.

Victim: He landed on my leg, tore my sock, and scratched my leg.

Public Defender: I QUIT!
Judge: Please stop biting your client. Or at least bite him harder so he shuts up.

Prosecutor: Dude's guilty as sin. Please convict and sentence him accordingly. Three years hard labor pulling me in a wagon and going to bed without dinner because I get his share.

Defendant (Now representing himself): I didn't mean to! I like to shout! Wally is short! What were we talking about???

Will there be a spin off soon???
Not guilty by means of mental disease or doofus!
Hmmm...much can be said about the qualities of a Doofus, remembering that none of what is said can be verified, because a Doofus seldom repeats the activity in question, and never repeats an activity when said activity is desirable or non-malicious. Therefore, the Doofus identified as the defendant in this case cannot be held responsible for his actions, unless he can replicate them on command at some future point.
I'm kinda with Beckett on this!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I vote for Wally to be pulled around in a wagon. It doesn't really matter who does it, just as long as some dog does.
Who has the best meatables? I rule in favor of the best meatables! What can I say? I love treats.
I SECOND what Sophie said....
Wally needs a wagon...just don't fall off the wagon..
My ma ape has tears of laughing joy streaming down her face...
She LOVES Law & Order...esp. that nice cuddly Vincent D'Ofrio fellow..
& she LOVES LAW(N) & Order that much more!
Love & Licks,
Three years going to bed without dinner sounds hard!
Kisses and hugs
In defense of the doofus GSD, we non-partisan bystander GSDs would like to point out that raw meatables have been known to retard maturity. (No, we are not using the work "retard" pejoratively.) We say, everyone go vegan! :) Oops, sorry--we're a couple posts behind...
I vote for pulling the wagon with wally in it. Public Prosecutor, your new job is to take photos.
Woo hoo Can't wait for the next entry.
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of DOg Woods
I am thinking that your house is crazier than ours. I realize that is hard to believe considering we have the crazy old bat, but you guys sure get into a lot of messes. Guilty-not guilty-pass the meatables.
omdog, I don't even know how to weigh in on this one. I can't really believe that Doofusism can be a defense, or Tanner will be able to get away with *gulp* murder. I guess I just have utter sympathy for all involved, especially your Ma Ape. OUCH
Wally, my ma ape and I are wondering if you have a side business doing pottery & social commentary:
And if not, why not?
Harooo, you pups are a hoot! Give your mumsies kissies though, that sure looks painful!
oh gosh you think you might have to cut ma apes leg off...that could get badly fected ...doofus slobber could not be good...she could turn into a rabid very very careful wally...walk gently...and keep all your eyeballs open...
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