Not So Lazy Sundays
On Ran-day we have to do what we want! And so we went to the field and I saw this:
It's hard to tell what it is but it is a sock in a tree. Or maybe a sock tree. Someone is trying to grow their own tube socks which is kind of silly since you can get packs of ten for $2. Apes, can't live with 'em, can't open the fridge without 'em.
All sissy wanted to do was fetch fetch fetch:
And again...
But what is this? In-ter-ception! D-fence! D-fence!
Aaaaaand...he's off!
And it was a good day for watching sports as well as playing them.
Sissy smiled.
And I smiled!
Why? Cuz 1) I picked the Women's World Cup winners! The Deutschland! and 2) the Phillies made the playoffs! (in baseball, not in women's soccer) Yay! Ran-day is the best day of the week. To celebrate? Chicken-sicles for dinner!
Woober Boy!
Niiiiice. That was an incredible interception. I'm sure it took Ethel by surprise (and your ma ape, and your pa ape, and me, and my girl, and...)
Tell Ethel I love her juicy snout & would like to include it in my juicy snout slide show on my blog and would like her permission to do so.
Goober love,
GREAT interception Walls...I bet Ethel didn't know WHAT was happening...but at least she's happy, right?
Sounds like an altogether great Sunday!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Your athletic abilities are astounding! You are almost a gymnast, in fact. Love the photo of Ethel catching the ball.
Glad you had a great Randay!! I love the pictures of you and Ethel smilling!
my sunday was the PITS but congrats to your phillies! our dbacks made it too!! you kind of look like troy polamalu making that interception.
That was a super interception - who says long muzzle and lanky legs make for a better ball player??
I love fetch but it's nicer when you fetch and don't give back!!
Man! I wanna play fetch, fetch, fetch & more fetch with Ethel too!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I never play fetch, if they want the ball why do they throw it away? A sock tree would be nice though.
Simba xx
Oh I'll be Ethel didn't like that interception. I usually precede my interceptions (steals) with a GGGRRRRRRrrrrrrUmph! So the girls know to back off.
That's a great smiley picture of you Wally. You're looking handsome as always.
Hi Wally,
You know what? Your big grin and sissy's bootiful smile made me and my mom smile too. Thank you so much. We sure needed that.
I hope Ethel still thinks I am FETCHING.
I think you manipulated the photos myself. Of course I am only saying this because I know that Ethel is a true fetcher of the ball and you got a lucky break.
Hi Wally! Nice interception! I am jealous of your sock tree. I like the socks very much, but I am not sposed to take them from the hamper. Hmph!
Wally-bally! I think that picture of you in your Phillies bananadana may be my favorite shot of you! You look so young and spry and spiffy! And Ethel looks quite pleased with herself too! :-)
I'm thinking of some in-depth questions for you....
Dude,we are just catching up on all your news. Hope Al Urgee has GONE and Benny Drill is making you feel better. Arch is itchy too. Great interception!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying all your new things!
You both have perfect "Grins", you both look sooooooooooooo happy!
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