I'm Too Old for This!
I'm a bit old for all this pawtying with the Girls of Jackman Ave and with Burpday Girl Asta.
A boy needs his beauty rest (look at my bat ears--ha!).

But don't worry. A few naps and I'll be up and pawtying again! Especially because Asta has kept me up to date on the FOODABLE purchasing!

Labels: dogs that blog, party, Wally
Hi Wally! How old are you if you don't mind me being a bit nosy? I know..quite the groovy party last night..I'm still recovering...all I'm doing on this Randay is watching football with my dad & napping...well, more napping than football...but I"m in recovery mode too & will see you at Asta's Pawty tomorrow!
Love & Licks,
I'm pretty tired too Walls....but I do love a pawty, don't you?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We missed the disco pawty so we're rested and ready for Asta and Bailey's bash! See you tomorrow, Wally!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You do look dog tired!!
Happy napping......
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Wally, you rock the house! I want to pawty with you too someday. We would tear the place up!
Jerry G. Dawg
I find myself napping a lot too. We're old dudes, dude.
Hi, Wally
I think its not a matter of age! It was just too much dancing, and drinking and eating all night long! Rest as much as you can and get ready for tomorrow!
See you at the party
Great bat ears, Batwally!
Wally, we can west latew..and if you'we tiwed you can lie undew a twee in that position at my pawty, and we'll just bwing you the eatables OK?
smoochie kisses
You are NEVER to old to eat, bud. And yes, your bat ears are adorable.
Your napping position makes for a very fetching beefcake photo. It kind of looks like a skunk laid down on your chest and fell asleep with you. (My girl says you have bootiful and dignified markings... that's one way of putting it.)
See you at the pawty, bud.
Goob love,
yes, your ears are amazing Wally!
I knew you'd bounce back, you are a party animal like me!
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