A Tail of Two Dogs
Last weekend I exercise my corgi half by herding my sister. This week--my labby half with some good, quality retrieving! My sister and I have very different ball playing styles. Here is a side by side comparison:
My sister runs FAST and HARD.

Wally takes his time coming.

And going.

Mine are a bit gentler.

Wally's vertical is, um, not quite as high but just as impressive.

Ethel has the world's floppiest tongue and a goofy face.

Wally shows his quiet dignity.

Wally wins. Because it's my blog.
I just love that last pic of you! What a hunk!
Love ya lots,
Good Action Pics Wally!
ps We voted for your blog! On Dogs with Blogs, Your Blog Rocks for Us here in Bonnie Scotland.
love and Scottish Licks, Braveheart Marvin and Jeannie x
You haven't seen my floppy tongue!
Great pics!
I think your vertical is very impressive, Wally! Your sister looks a little, er, hyper...is she?
You look so handsome in that last pic :)
Puggy kisses
I've said it before, your sissie Ethel is gorgeous! Duncan thinks so too! I especially like her shot of the vicious teeth!! But I would.
Awesome pictures, and yes, you win.
Those are great pictures! You two know how to have fun!
Hugs from Billy Boo:)
just goes to show - there's more than one way to get er done!!!!!
Oy I hate Larry the Cable Guy - why did I say that?
Bussie Kissies
You win Wally! Even Teka says so
man it looks like ethel is going to swallow that ball!
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