Please call the SPCA

Look at this sad face. Why so sad? Neglect. My ma ape just informed me that she is going to a wedding in the Poke-a-Nose. And I don't get to be the flower girl. I don't even get to go along! Who will taste the wedding cake to make sure it is ok?
Sigh. And I will be unable to tell you about the following until she gets back: buffalo breakfast, morning playtime, major collision with Ethel, the world's greatest thief, and my sissy's terrifyingly enormous mouth. You will have to wait. So you should probably call the SPCA on YOUR behalf as well.
Labels: ethel, poor Wally, Wally
Who is taking care of you?
Can you get to the internets?
Should we start a free wally and ethel campaign?
Oh my we are sorry for you.
Never mind Poor Wally.
Poor Pippa suffering Ethel-withdrawal symptoms.
You can't be a flower girl Wally! You'd have to be the ring bearer! Bummer that you can't go too! Brides are so moody!
Love ya lots,
WALLY when is she coming back? Where are you? Do you have food? oh dear now I am worried sick!
Oh dog, Wally.
It's the end of the world a we know it!
Oh NO!!!! Say it ain't so Wally??? When? What am I going to do? Time without Wally just isn't worth blogging...ok I'm being a bit dramatic, but you are worth it!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm coming over to rescue you! NOW!!! But, do you have any idea when I'll reach there? Huh, I don't think so. But just wait for me!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Wally!
Live off your extra blubber, you Woober Butt! One day's not gonna kill ya, man. (Was I too harsh?)
Goober love,
You know, Wally, we got left behind when our "apes" went to a wedding over the weekend. Why oh why didn;'t we think to call the ASPCA???
You are one smart guy!! (And very handsome, too.)
Empawthetic woofs from the Barkalots,
Jake and Just Harry
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