sunday snacks
i thought i'd share some pictures from the stupor bowl which did not go well in terms of the football but was excellent in gustatory terms there was chili, there was guac, and there were knucklebones!

here i am showing off my gristle munching skills.

my sis and i have perfected our techniques.

here i take a brief break to watch the puppy bowl. the puppies are cute but no corgadors. i have to chew my bone in front of the tv to distract my mawma. i fear her biological clock is ticking and she will bring home puppies.

Labels: animal planet, ethel, food, football, Wally
we were stuck at our grandparent's alone house during the superbowl, your party looks WAY better.
Woh, the super bowl looks fun with all the food. :)
~ fufu
we watched the puppy bowl last night on the DVR machine! There were THREE Samoyeds, and they were all goofy and funny just like my brother Lobo was. But my favorite was the black lab who just went and laid down right in the water bowl! what a goof!!
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