Tuesday, August 30, 2005

doggy style

it was only a matter of time before i used that lame pun for a title.

but it's appropriate here for a dog love hotel that just opened in brazil! it includes a heart shaped bed and mirrors on the ceiling for amorous dogs to, um, express their love.

unfortunately, it appears that this person doesn't know dogs very well since they commented: "The window has thick curtains for timid dogs that want discretion." i have yet to see a dog with discretion. we have no shame about bodily functions. you naked apes could learn a thing or two from us.

Also check out this part:

"We also have a wedding agency that matches up dogs and if the female dog doesn't get pregnant, we offer artificial insemination services," said Marinho.

marriage? for dogs? what would rick santorum say? maybe it's ok so long as it's between one male and one bitch. i'm not sure "marriage" is one of our grand traditions, though. we are loyal to our pet naked apes and to our friends but monogamy is not really a dog kind of thing. i might enjoy a vacation at this hotel since my 9-5 job of napping, watching my sister ethel, and eating pb kongs is rather exhausting. but it seems to me that, unlike you naked apes, we really don't require these elaborate ceremonies before getting amorous. but if it makes you feel better i will let you spend extravagant amounts of money on me.


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