Tomorrow will be the sixth anniversary of when I rescued my ma ape from her empty and meaningless existence. Oh yes, tomorrow it will be 6 A.W. (After Wall-a-boo!)
For my burpday I would like everyone to get extra snacks and belly rubs. By the end of the weekend we should all look like the photo above!
Wally: We hope you get a lovely meatable for your barkday.
gussie n teka
I kinda look like that already!
I'm soooo ready for your burpday, I'm trying on outfits now.
Pawty HEARTy WallyDude!
Gussie told me I don't need to the khake thing since he had Teka heading your way!
Happy BURPday weekend!
PeeEssWoo: I sooooo bet I'll hear the state next door rokhkin' and rollin'
Happy Burpday Weekend!
Hope you get to enjoy a great Gotcha Day! Be sure you get loads & loads of truck full of meaties!!!!
Can we toss a couple of pizzas on the floor to make it even more fun?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I accept this challenge! I wish I could come celebrate with you, but I realized in Tanner's absence I have no transportation.
We will eat extra Wally melon in honor of you. Extra meatables would be good. Gaily wrapped packages galore.
I have my treats ready to celebrate your Burpday weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday/Gotcha day, Wally! Have some ice cream on us!
oh Happy Burpday Wally, I mean whatever did your Ma Ape exactly do with her life, before you and your presence entered it!??????
I think though, those dogs in the picture look a bit worse for the wear, I hope I can keep up with the eatables, drinkables etc in your honour. Well, my J says if I can't she will!!!!!!
Happy Burpday to you and Happy Finding Wally Day to your Ma Ape.
The bestest Ma Ape We have ever known. Virtually, that is of course.
love and many virtual Burpday licks,
Marvin xxxxxx Hope you liked my poem, it is my present to you.
Wally! I'm all for the extra snacks and even in there for the belly rubs, maybe, if accompanied by snacks. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't look like a passed out basset hound. And I've been trying. I always just look like a passed out Sophie. I hope this doesn't come as too much of a disappointment on your burpday palooza weekend. Your mom is so lucky you rescued her.
I'm so vewy happy you wescooed youw pawents..I can't beaw to think of theiw lives wifout you!
Happy Sixth!!!!
I hope you get all the meatables you want and fun fow at least a week of celebwations!
I hope you have many many mowe!!!
thinking of you wif love and smoochie kisses
Wow--6 years! Happy Barkday to woo!
Gus and Waldo
Are you sure it was your idea to share snackies with the orphan dogs? Or maybe you were already passed out from celebrating when your mom snuck out of the house.
Woober Boy!
The Wallypalooza celebration started on Friday here in GooberStan. Your ma ape is so STINKIN' fortunate to have had you rescue her and adopt her as your own. The sadness of her life without you does not bear considering.
How old are you any way, man?
Goober love & TONS of burpday smooches,
w00f's Wally, me shure hopes u has a pawsome weekend burpday...lots of foodies and love pets...and u has many many more...
b safe,
Hi Wally! I saw your adorable pictures on Stanley's blog and came by to wish you a happy burpday!! Looks like a good time was had by all!!
Love Clover xo
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